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The Council is the decision-making body on all policy matters. Matters for consideration by the Council are usually directed through the Council Standing Committees, which are:
All Councillors are members of each of the six Committees. At the Ordinary Meeting of the Council of 28 May 2024 (Item No. 12.3) the Council appointed the chairperson for each Standing Committee up to and including June 2026. The chairperson for the Committees will be rotated between Councillors.
Planning and Development Committee
Water and Waste Committee
Infrastructure Committee
Environment and Community Committee
Corporate Services Committee
Economic Development Committee
All Ordinary Meetings of Council and its Committees are open to the public. However, the Council or a Committee may consider it necessary to close the meeting to the public to discuss any of the following matters:
When a matter of this nature is to be discussed, the resolution to close the meeting will specify the nature of the matter to be considered.
All Ordinary Meetings of the Council and Committee Meetings are held in the Council Chambers, First Floor, City Hall, 541 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba. Details of forthcoming meetings and any changes to meetings, venues or times are published on the Council website.
To access Ordinary Meeting of Council Minutes for dates beyond those listed here, please contact us.
The order of committee meetings in 2025 will be:
Tuesday, 21 January 2025: 9am, Ordinary Meeting of Council
Tuesday, 11 February 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Wednesday, 12 February 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Tuesday, 18 February 2025: 9am, Ordinary Meeting of Council
Tuesday, 11 March 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Wednesday, 12 March 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Tuesday, 18 March 2025: 9am, Ordinary Meeting of Council
Tuesday, 8 April 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Wednesday, 9 April 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Tuesday, 15 April 2025: 9am, Ordinary Meeting of Council
Tuesday, 13 May 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Wednesday, 14 May 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Tuesday, 20 May 2025: 9am, Ordinary Meeting of Council
Tuesday, 10 June 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Wednesday, 11 June 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Tuesday, 17 June 2025: 9am, Ordinary Meeting of Council
Tuesday, 8 July 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Wednesday, 9 July 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Tuesday, 15 July 2025: 9am, Ordinary Meeting of Council
Tuesday, 12 August 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Wednesday, 13 August 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Tuesday, 19 August 2025: 9am, Ordinary Meeting of Council
Tuesday, 9 September 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Wednesday, 10 September 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Tuesday, 16 September 2025: 9am, Ordinary Meeting of Council
Tuesday, 14 October 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Wednesday, 15 October 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Tuesday, 21 October 2025: 9am, Ordinary Meeting of Council
Tuesday, 11 November 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Wednesday, 12 November 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Tuesday, 18 November 2025: 9am, Ordinary Meeting of Council
Tuesday, 2 December 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Wednesday, 3 December 2025: 9am, Committee Meetings
Tuesday, 9 December 2025: 9am, Ordinary Meeting of Council
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