Road safety is everyone’s responsibility. Bicycle riders and motorists have the same rights and responsibilities. All road users need to share the road and be aware of the need to look out for each other at all times. Below are some excellent resources from the Queensland Government which may help explain how motorists can safely share the road with people riding bicycles.   

Sharing the road with bicycle riders

A great resource about road sharing is available here: 'Sharing the road with bicycle riders'.

Be patient and considerate - Watch out for bicycle riders at all times, but especially at night, dawn or dusk. Be considerate and dip your headlights when approaching a bicycle rider at night. Be patient. If it isn't safe to pass a bicycle rider, wait until it is safe. This should not hold you up for long and it could save the bicycle rider's life.

Laws for motorists passing bicycle riders - Motorists must stay wider of bicycle riders by giving a minimum of 1m when passing a bicycle rider in a 60km/h or less speed zone or 1.5m where the speed limit is over 60km/h.

Check your blind spots - Bicycle riders are much smaller than cars and heavy vehicles, so they are harder to see. Check your blind spots before changing lanes, turning or when you open your car door.

Giving way - Make sure you treat bicycle riders like any other vehicle on the road. Give way to them when required and travel at a safe following distance.


Bicycle road rules and safety

To find out about bicycle road rules and safety, check out the Queensland Government's 'Bicycle road rules and safety' web articles.


Reporting cycling issues

To report a cycling issue or safety hazard please report the issue to us via the online self-service page.

Contact Queensland Police to report a cycling incident on the road.


Additional resources

Other road rules: Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads

Commuter Harmony Alliance: Commuter Harmony Alliance