Highfields residents are being advised to plan their journeys in and around the locality with utility works starting on Monday (March 4, 2024) at the Kratzke Road and Highfields Road intersection.

Toowoomba Regional Council Infrastructure Services General Manager Mike Brady said preparatory works had been undertaken, including the construction of a temporary road to connect Highfields Road and O’Brien Road, to maintain access for businesses and community services in the area.

“As part of these works, there will be a series of road closures on Kratzke Road and Highfields Road which will be staged to minimise the overall traffic disruption,” Mr Brady said.

“Access will be maintained for the businesses and community services in the area and Council encourages people to continue to support these businesses.

“We are working with Ergon to underground high voltage powerlines later in the year. The timing for this project is likely mid-year and the preparations need to be finalised on site before they can perform their work.

“Concurrently, the 2022 Flood Recovery Program has been making progress on works across the Region, however there are still many roads and culverts in the greater Highfields area that are scheduled to be replaced or upgraded, with works scheduled over coming months.

“The culvert on Woolmer Road was significantly affected by the February 2022 flood event. A road closure at the culvert site has been in place from late January and is scheduled to extend for approximately three months, weather permitting. This will be followed by works at another culvert on Cawdor Drive, near Franke Road. There will be other minor works as part of this program around Highfields.

“Council is also progressing with the second stage of the Kuhls Road Rehabilitation project.

“We have carefully considered the disruption to motorists’ regular routes and have designed detours around all the work sites.

“It will be important for residents of Highfields and surrounding communities to be aware of the various changes to alter their travel plans and allow for intermittent delays and detours.

“We thank the community for their patience while these vital works are completed to help improve our road network and put plans in place for the future CBD of Highfields and apologise for any inconvenience caused.”

Mr Brady said notices about the various projects were being sent to residents and business owners, and any member of the public can sign up to receive project updates by ‘following’ the project via Council’s YourSay page. (*See link below)

“Council will ensure traffic management is implemented where appropriate to keep construction workers, road users, pedestrians and cyclists safe,” Mr Brady said.

More information about the project can be found at https://yoursay.tr.qld.gov.au/highfields-road-intersection-upgrades/highfields-intersections-construction

For all the programmed works across the Region, visit: www.tr.qld.gov.au/roadworks 

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