Toowoomba Regional Council this week (18 June, 2024) endorsed lowering Cressbrook Dam’s water level to enable the Cressbrook Dam Safety Improvement Project to safely proceed.

Toowoomba Region Mayor Geoff McDonald said the project required construction to be completed below the current water level.

“This isn’t a decision we’ve made lightly,” Mayor McDonald said.

“We understand the importance of water security and have looked at all alternatives that were proposed by the Alliance team.

“However, releasing water is something we need to do to safely proceed with this project and to ensure the risk of failure to the dam is minimised during construction.

“The project team requires access to parts of the dam and associated structures currently underwater.

“The plan involves gradually releasing water to provide the team with a safe work environment.

“Water is proposed to be released over a four-to-five-month period from July 2024, weather and construction conditions permitting.

“The controlled lowering of the dam water level will enable Council to manage the process safely and effectively, minimising disruptions.”

Mayor McDonald said temporarily lowering the water level would not affect access to water for Toowoomba Region residents who are connected to the bulk water supply network.

“There will be no reduction in volume or quality of water available for residential or commercial use during this time,” Mayor McDonald said.

“We expect the campground, boat ramps and walking trails to remain open.

“We also expect recreational activities at the dam, such as boating and fishing, to continue.

“We will advise the community of any temporary disruptions to recreational activities at the dam.

“As always, Council encourages residents to use water wisely.”

Mayor McDonald said Council would consider all practical options to use the water for the time that the release is occurring in line with the capacity of the pumping infrastructure that is used to extract water from the dam. A report explaining these options, and any financial implications, will be presented to Council, starting from July 2024.

The Cressbrook Dam Safety Improvement Project, which is legislated by the State Government, will improve dam safety at Cressbrook Dam and ensure the dam remains a reliable and quality water supply for our Region.

The project will widen the dam spillway to increase flood resilience and protect landholders downstream in the Somerset Regional Council area (Cressbrook Creek, including Toogoolawah).

For further information on the Cressbrook Dam Safety Improvement Project (including frequently asked questions), please visit Council’s website at or contact Council on 131 872 or