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Information 042
Information 046
Information 051
Some alterations and additions to dwellings and commercial buildings may be done under notifiable work (Form 4 - see link to forms in Related information). All new buildings will require compliance assessment. Other approvals that may be required are planning approvals, building approvals or siting variations.
Building work over or adjacent to any Council service (sewer, stormwater or reticulated water system) may require additional provisions to protect the infrastructure.
Seek advice from Council before plumbing work commences.
To find out if a plumber is licensed, please refer to the Building Services Authority online license search.
Regulated work as described under the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018 means plumbing or drainage work that is not notifiable work, minor work or unregulated work. Plumbing work can include installing, changing, extending and disconnecting plumbing.
Using licensed plumbers and drainers is the most effective and simplest way of ensuring that plumbing work complies with regulations to minimise unnecessary risk to your family's health and safety. Rectifying defective or non-compliant work can be far more expensive than the original cost. As a consumer, using an appropriately qualified plumber or drainer will help protect you and your family.
Items listed as unregulated plumbing and drainage work do not require council approval or notification. No licence is required to perform these works, which include the following.
Sanitary plumbing and sanitary drainage:
Water plumbing:
All other plumbing and drainage works need to be carried out by a licensed plumber or drainer. This is law prescribed by the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018
Notifiable work means plumbing or drainage work prescribed under the 'Schedule of notifiable work'. For example:
Minor work means plumbing or drainage work prescribed under the Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2019 as minor work. For example:
Unregulated work means plumbing or drainage work prescribed under the Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2019 as unregulated work.
For sanitary plumbing and sanitary drainage:
For water plumbing:
Sand type filters are required to discharge to sewer. This requires a Form 4 to be lodged with the Plumbing Industry Council for residential properties. For commercial properties such as hotels and unit complexes, etc where sanitary drainage is carried out as a result of the installation of the sand filter, an application is required to be lodged with us.
Cartridge type filters do not require an application as they do not connect to a sewer.
Most plumbing work that doesn’t fit into the categories above will require a plumbing approval. This includes new domestic work and nearly all commercial plumbing work.
Plumbing applications can be easily submitted and paid for using the online customer service portal, 24/7. It allows applicants to track the progress of their applications submitted through the portal by using one user account per business/individual with ease.
Council encourages use of this service wherever possible. Register today to benefit from the full value and use of the portal!
Further information about the portal can be found in the 'Submit a development application' article.
Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018 forms (includes Form 4)
Development Assessment Online Customer Service Portal
Plumbing application - submitted plans checklist CL 008 (PDF for print)
Plumbing application - drawing service checklist CL 009 (PDF for print)
Class 1 Sewered House Connection Plan Grid Paper
INFO 042 Book a Plumbing & Drainage Inspection
INFO 046 Individual Water Metering of Units
INFO 051 Responsible Person Under the Drainage Act
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