Information 013

The driveway for a house, dual occupancy, bed & breakfast establishment or home-based business is generally accepted development subject to requirements.

This means that an operational works permit is not required for carrying out works if the following has been met:

Where it is proposed to install a driveway that does not meet Council's standard drawing or the TRPS, or the cross over is for works other than the above (for example Stormwater Crossover), an operational works permit may be required from Council prior to construction. Please contact Council's Development Services Branch for more information.

Driveway requirements

To determine if your driveway needs approval, head to the section below based on the purpose of the driveway:

  • Residential – urban areas
  • Residential – rural areas
  • Commercial – all areas

Note: If a driveway is proposed to access a state-controlled road, approval is required from the Department of Transport and Main Roads.


Residential vehicular access and driveway crossovers are not:

  • an additional site/property access
  • to a road with bluestone kerbing
  • within 25 m of a signalised road intersection
  • within 20m of an unsignalised road intersection in a Commercial or Industrial Area
  • within 10m of an unsignalised road intersection in a Community, Residential, Rural or Other Area
  • within 1m of any infrastructure, including street signage, power poles, street lights, manholes, stormwater gully pits, or other Council/public utility asset
  • within the Tree Protection Zone, as defined by Australian Standard 4970-2009
  • for a lot with a frontage of 10m or less
  • greater than 4m in width when for a lot with a frontage/width of more than 10m but less than 20m
  • greater than 6m in width when for a lot with a frontage/width of greater than 20m.

Except where in a Rural Zone, residential vehicular access and driveway crossovers:

  • do not require the modification, relocation, or removal of any existing infrastructure (e.g. street trees, fire hydrants, water meters, manholes or stormwater gully pits)
  • do not affect or are not adjacent to a traffic island, speed control device, car parking bay, bus stop, or other structure within the roadway
  • do not require removal or modification of any existing kerbing, traffic island, speed control device, car parking bay, bus stop, or other structure within the road reserve
  • do not require any change to existing footpath/verge profiles, includiing table drains (where relevant)
  • do not have access restricted by an access restriction strip or link reserve; or
  • do not access an unformed or unkerbed road
  • are constructed from reinforced concrete
  • are perpendicular to the road edge
  • are provided in accordance with the Australian Standard AS 2890.1 – Off Street Car Parking and Australian Standard AS 2890.2 (where relevant), the relevant standard drawing in SC6.2 PSP No. 2 Engineering Standards – Roads and Drainage Infrastructure and Australian Standard AS 4970-2009 – Protection of Trees on Development Sites 

Residential vehicular access and driveway crossovers are not:

  • an additional site/property access
  • to a State-controlled Road or a road with bluestone kerbing
  • within 25 m of a signalised road intersection
  • within 20m of an unsignalised road intersection in a Commercial or Industrial Area
  • within 10m of an unsignalised road intersection in a Community, Residential, Rural or Other Area
  • within 1m of any infrastructure, including street signage, power poles, street lights, manholes, stormwater gully pits, or other Council/public utility asset
  • within the Tree Protection Zone, as defined by Australian Standard 4970-2009
  • for a lot with a frontage of 10m or less
  • greater than 4m in width when for a lot with a frontage/width of more than 10m but less than 20m
  • greater than 6m in width when for a lot with a frontage/width of greater than 20m.

Where in a Rural Zone, residential vehicular access and driveway crossovers:

  • do not require the modification, relocation, or removal of any existing infrastructure (e.g. street trees, fire hydrants, water meters, manholes or stormwater gully pits)
  • do not affect or are not adjacent to a traffic island, speed control device, car parking bay, bus stop, or other structure within the roadway
  • do not require removal or modification of any existing kerbing, traffic island, speed control device, car parking bay, loading bay, bus stop, or other structure within the road reserve
  • do not require any change to existing footpath/verge profiles, including table drains (where relevant)
  • do not have access restricted by an access restriction strip or link reserve
  • are sealed where accessing a sealed formed road
  • are perpendicular to the road edge
  • are provided in accordance with the relevant standard drawing in SC6.2 PSP No. 2 Engineering Standards – Roads and Drainage Infrastructure. 

Non-residential vehicular access and driveway crossovers:

  • do not require the modification, relocation, or removal of any existing infrastructure (e.g. street trees, fire hydrants, water meters, manholes or stormwater gully pits)
  • do not affect or are not adjacent to a traffic island, speed control device, car parking bay, bus stop, or other structure within the road reserve
  • do not require removal or modification of any existing kerbing, traffic island, speed control device, car parking bay, loading bay, bus stop, or other structure within the road reserve
  • do not require any change to existing footpath/verge profiles, including table drains (where relevant)
  • do not have access restricted by an access restriction strip or link reserve
  • do not access an unformed or unkerbed road
  • are constructed from reinforced concrete
  • are perpendicular to the road edge
  • retain space for the planting of street trees at a minimum rate of one (1) per lot frontage
  • are provided in accordance with the Australian Standard AS 2890.1 – Off Street Car Parking and Australian Standard AS 2890.2 (where relevant),the relevant standard drawing in SC6.2 PSP No. 2 Engineering Standards – Roads and Drainage Infrastructure and Australian Standard AS 4970-2009 – Protection of Trees on Development Sites.

Non-residential vehicular access and driveway crossovers to a public road are not:

  • an additional site/property access
  • to a State-controlled Road or a road with bluestone kerbing
  • within 25m of a signalised road intersection
  • within 20m of an unsignalised road intersection in a Commercial or Industrial Area
  • within 10m of an unsignalised road intersection in a Community, Residential, Rural or Other Area
  • for a lot with a frontage of 10m or less
  • within 1m of any infrastructure, including street signage, power poles, street lights, manholes, stormwater gully pits, or other Council/public utility asset
  • within the Tree Protection Zone, as defined by Australian Standard 4970-2009.

What to do if there are existing street trees

For any activities within the road reserve, where any disturbance of the ground is to occur within the Tree Protection Zone of any existing street tree, please consult with Council's Parks and Recreation Services.  The Tree Protection Zone is equivalent to either 12 times the diameter of the trunk at breast height or 1.5m, whichever is greater.

For further information about working around existing street trees and requirements, please contact the Parks and Urban Forest Policy Officer on 131 872.


Lodging a development application

If you are going to build, repair or modify a driveway, you may be required to apply for approval first. This approval is termed an 'operational works permit for footpath crossover'. The operational works permit for footpath crossovers includes driveways and stormwater crossings within the footpath area.

How to submit an application

Online application - preferred method


In person


Application help - site plan information assistance

The following points will assist you to ensure the plan you supply to Council has all the relevant information.

  • Type of kerb e.g. bluestone, concrete barrier or layback kerb.
  • Any existing sealed footpath and type eg. concrete, asphalt and width (if applicable).
  • For driveways, whether or not an extended layback kerb crossing is desired.
  • For driveways, the location, width length and construction material (e.g. concrete, pavers etc) of proposed crossover.
  • For stormwater connections, the location, size and type of pipe and kerb adaptor.
  • Any existing crossovers or stormwater connections to your property or the adjacent property, if close to the boundary.
  • Distance from side and front boundaries.
  • Approximate levels. Whether the block is higher or lower than the kerb. For steep or non-standard footpath profiles, a section along the driveway may be required.
  • Any existing services. Eg: Telstra pits, power poles, fire hydrants etc. and the clearance between the proposed driveway/stormwater cross over and the services.
  • Any existing footpath trees. Show distances for clearance to the trunk of the tree and to the dripline of the tree’s canopy. If the proposed crossover is to be located within the dripline of an existing footpath tree you will be required to liaise with the Parks and Recreation Branch (see Driveway and Works in the Road Reserve Information Sheet).

Please take note of the standard conditions.

For standard drawing examples and further information, refer to the IPWEAQ Standard Drawings.


Undertaking works in a road reserve

If you are performing work that impacts on the road reserve, such as sectioning off the driveway area, you may need to apply to complete work within the road reserve. This is regardless of whether an operational works permit is required for the crossover.

Refer to Undertaking work in a road reserve for further information or contact Transport & Drainage - Road Operations via Customer Service on 131 872.


More information

For further information on technical specifications contact Development Services - Engineering on 131 872 or visit your nearest Customer Service Centre.

If you are unsure whether or not you are required to apply for a permit or require further specific information about driveways and works in the road reserve requirements and application process, please contact the Customer Service on 131 872 or visit your nearest Customer Service Centre.

Related documents

Online Customer Service Portal

IPWEAQ standard drawings | residential vehicle crossings

  • RSD-100 | Residential Driveways | Sheet 1 of 2
  • RSD-101 | Residential Driveways | Sheet 2 of 2

Department of Transport – standard drawings | rural vehicle crossings

  • SD1807 - Property Access - Rural Property Access

Planning scheme Part 9.4.6 Transport, Access and Parking Code

CL 003 Operational works permit for footpath crossovers checklist

INFO 013 Driveway and Works in the Road Reserve Information Sheet


The information contained in this article is a guide only. This information has been prepared by Toowoomba Regional Council to help people gain an understanding of the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme.

Please consult the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme for detailed information including maps (zones, local plans, overlays and priority infrastructure plan), provisions and policies.

The content of this article is not intended to replace the provisions of the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme.