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To finalise the matter, please pay the penalty amount listed on the infringement notice using one of the following options
Online Pay online here
Call us during business hours 131 872 and have your infringement handy. Payments can be made using a credit or debit card. There are restrictions on how much can be paid in coin as legal tender as per the Currency Act 1965 (section 16).
Visit your local customer service centre and bring your infringement with you. Payments can be made using cash or by credit / debit card.
Please enclose this infringement notice with a cheque or money order made payable to Toowoomba Regional Council to:
Toowoomba Regional CouncilPO Box 3021TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350
Parking fines exist to ensure our roads and streets are safe for road users and pedestrians. The dollar value and penalty unit (PU) category associated with an offence are often reflective of the safety and consequence of risk if the particular law is breached.
The information below lists the parking offences Toowoomba Regional Council regulates under Queensland Government and Council legislation:
Current as at 1 July 2023
Time limited parking is indicated by signage which specifies the maximum time limit. The letter “P” alone means there is no time limit. Where you are only permitted to park for a limited time, that time is shown by the number beside the letter “P”. For example “2P” means you can park in the area for a maximum of 2 hours.
Paid parking is indicated by signage which stipulates if payment is required. This will be indicated under the time limit of the sign affiliated with the location your vehicle is in by stating “Pay Meter”.
A driver must not stop on a bicycle path, footpath, shared path or dividing strip, or a nature strip adjacent to a length of road in a built-up area.
A driver must not stop in a parking area for people with disabilities unless the driver’s vehicle displays a current parking permit for people with disabilities. The driver must either be the permit holder or be parking the vehicle for the convenience of a permit holder who needs to enter or leave the vehicle. The permit must be displayed so that the expiry date, permit number and coloured logo are clearly visible from outside the vehicle.
Nationally ‘No stopping’ areas are implemented for reasons such as safety for the motorist and pedestrian, as well as for easy access and egress of traffic. Signage indicating ‘No Stopping’ comes in the form of either signs erected on posts or road markings. A driver must not stop on a length of road or in an area to which a ‘No Stopping’ sign applies.
A yellow edged line means no stopping is permitted on that section of the road as well as the adjacent road reserve. The yellow edge line is a recognised Australian Standard and is referred to in the Queensland Transport ‘Learn to Drive’ booklet.
‘No parking’ signs mean that you can stop your car in this area for up to 2 minutes with the driver remaining in the car whilst picking up and dropping off passengers or goods.
A driver must not stop in a taxi zone, unless the driver is driving a taxi. Council does not consider ride share vehicles taxi’s and as such may not utilise taxi zones.
Children’s safety comes first so parents or visitors to schools’ zones should be aware of the parking regulations existing in school zones and surrounding streets. Parking unlawfully in these areas may obstruct the pedestrian and/or motorist’s vision putting children at risk. Particular attention and vigilance when parking and driving a vehicle in and around school zones is required.
Please be aware of any signs and restrictions in your children’s school zone.
Unspecified loading zones have time limits of 30 mins max for commercially identified vehicles loading/unloading of goods. A max of 20 mins for other vehicles loading/unloading of goods and 2 minutes for the loading/unloading of passengers, or as otherwise indicated on the sign.
Frequently asked questions – regulated parking
The Licence Plate Recognition (LPR) vehicle is equipped with a computer, cameras, software and integrated GPS technology to monitor parked vehicles.
The vehicle is used to monitor parking compliance in all areas of the Toowoomba Regional Council.
The LPR vehicle captures images of parked vehicles and records:
This information can be used to issue an infringement notice for unlawful parking to the registered owner via post.
Parking is an important issue for our community. Effective parking management supports:
The LPR vehicle allows parking officers to monitor clearways, schools, loading and bus zones without compromising the safety of themselves or other road users.
It is our priority to manage traffic congestion and safety around our schools.
We work to ensure motorists comply with parking regulations around schools to achieve a safer environment for children, parents, teachers and other road users.
Information privacy is a priority for Toowoomba Regional Council and personal identifiable information is not used for other purposes or shared with other parties.
Licence plate information is used to determine the registered owner of a vehicle, for the purpose of issuing an infringement notice.
Photo masking technology is used to protect the identity of individuals (and other vehicles) which are unintentionally captured in photographs.
Infringement notices are issued by mail to the registered owner of the vehicle. All correspondence is clearly marked as official correspondence from Toowoomba Regional Council and will contain all the relevant information, including photographs relating to the offence.
It may take up to a week or longer to receive an infringement notice in the mail, depending on the address of the registered owner. The time to make payment, or select another option is 28 days from the date of the infringement being issued, not the date of the offence.
Should your vehicle be parked unlawfully, a notice will be posted to the registered owner. There is no information or correspondence left on the vehicle.
Yes, the system uses GPS and photographic equipment to determine if a vehicle has moved.
There will be no change to parking regulations for disability permit holders. Please ensure you park lawfully and display your permit on the windscreen or dash so that it is clearly visible from outside the vehicle.
If you have been issued with an infringement, you may be eligible to have the penalty withdrawn under certain circumstances.
To appeal a parking fine:
Please allow up to 28 days for your infringement review to be processed. Some requests for review may take longer.
Council will only consider withdrawing an infringement notice under extraordinary circumstances and reserves the right to enforce all penalty infringement notices at its discretion.
The following circumstances may constitute reasonable grounds for Council to withdraw the infringement notice:
To assist our decision making, it is important you provide sufficient supporting evidence when you lodge a request for review. The grounds of your application may will be considered with the supporting documentation or evidence supplied.
Depending on the type of offence indicated on the infringement notice, you should try to include (where applicable):
Invalid reasons for requesting to appeal include but are not limited to:
If your fine is enforced after the appeal, your options will be:
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