The application for an approval must be made by a legal entity (e.g. person/s or company. A trust name, business name or shop name is not a legal entity and cannot be the approval holder).

The applicant must be a suitable person. When Council assesses an application, they will take into consideration whether the applicant has the appropriate skills and knowledge to sell safe and suitable food, if they have had a previous conviction for a relevant offence, and if they have had a previous food licence suspended, cancelled or refused.

To obtain a food licence for either fixed, mobile or temporary premises you will need to submit an application form with us.  Please lodge the food licence application at least 30 days prior to operating using one of the following forms:

Online forms:

  1. Fill in and submit the Food Business - Licence Application Form.
  2. Fill in and submit the Food Business - Temporary Licence Application Form.

We also offer a food business design assessment application. This is an optional service. This application is beneficial if you would like your design assessed against the Food Safety Standards. You will be provided with advice and any additional design requirements for the construction of your premises. If you want more information about lodging a design assessment application, please contact us on 131 872.