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Millmerran is located 84km southwest of Toowoomba on the Gore Highway. The town is surrounded by rural primary production areas with industries including stud and beef cattle, pork, poultry, sheep, timber, olives, grain and cotton.
Millmerran is home to a series of larger than life murals that depict the district's history. The Mt Basalt reserve, just 22km south of town, is a unique geological and environmental landmark that features rare volcanic formations. The area offers a variety of walking trails and a lookout with spectacular views.
The township has a local shopping centre, a variety of retail stores and a range of commercial, professional and trade services. There is a hospital, medical centre, retirement village, child care centre and two schools. Other amenities that service the town include a museum, library, and community and cultural centre. Sporting facilities include a golf club, aquatic centre, indoor sports centre, bowls club, junior league football, cricket oval, tennis courts and sporting shooters club.
Events held in Millmerran embrace the heritage of the district. Every second year (in every even year) the Australian Camp Oven Festival is a weekend filled with entertainment and campfire cooking where you can enjoy a feast of delicious camp oven food. Showcasing the local talent, the annual Millmerran Show is held the first weekend in March.
The area is steeped in history. The All Saints Anglican Church was originally used a private chapel for the Gore family and the workers on Yandilla Station. It is now listed by the National Trust and is the oldest building in Millmerran. An information brochure is available from the Millmerran Information Centre. It is also believed to be the second-oldest church in Queensland. The Millmerran Museum is home to many historical treasures from the area, including the 'water baby' a 28 foot steam vessel that was made at Yandilla Station in 1878. Head over to the Millmerran Museum website for more information.
On nearby Cecil Plains Station, Ludwig Leichhardt used the station as a base in 1844 and 1847 for his botanical expeditions into the surrounding region.
Millmerran Commerce and Progress Inc
In 2015 a number of Community Growth Action Plans were developed.
Success for each community is best determined by the residents themselves, based on their aspirations, ideals and value systems. In order to better understand what these are, Council facilitated a number of meetings with community members to draw out what issues each town is facing, identify what the potential solutions and opportunities might be and to determine which ones should be focussed on as a priority. These have been documented in plans for five communities which can be found under the related document section.
Millmerran Community Growth Action Plan
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