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We have some conditions of entry that you need to be aware of when enjoying our swimming pools.
Pool Operators may elect to issue an appropriate supervision pass to children aged 11-14 years.
These programs are issued at the Operator's discretion and are intended to support children of exceptional swimming abilities to participate in more independent activities such as lap swimming and training.
Programs are subject to:
Any social or leisure swimming under an exception pass is restricted to the shallow end of the pool.
Please liaise directly with the Facility Operator regarding any enquiries including availability.
Council supports the Keep Watch @ Public Pools program and requests that active supervision is undertaken by all parents and carers of children and non-swimmers when using the pool.
This means that parents/carers should be dressed ready to enter the pool, should be within arms reach of their child/children and non-swimmers, should focus all attention on their child/children and non-swimmers and should not leave their child/children and non-swimmers:
Clothing, other than swimwear, can create problems with water clarity, pool disinfectant and our water filtration systems.
While we are committed to sun safe and cultural swim practices; rash/sun shirts, burqinis and modesty swimwear must be made of an approved material.
If you do not wear the appropriate swimwear you will be asked to leave the water.
Inappropriate swimwear includes but is not limited to:
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