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This park is part of the Black Gully multi-sectioned parks network. A designated, fenced, dog off-leash area is a feature of this park.
This park is a 1.5 acre designated, fenced, dog off-leash area. The park features a shelter, water fountains and dog water bowl.
This is a popular area for dog walkers to exercise their dogs, with park users able to take in the easterly views across Black Gully Park 3 playground and open space areas.
This area is located adjacent to Black Gully Park 2 which has dense tree plantings and a pathway, which provides dog owners with a larger area to walk their dog through a natural setting.
Off-leash dogs are only permitted in the park's fenced area.
For more information on the Black Gully park network and what the different areas comprise of please see the Black Gully park network webpage.