We provide funding and/or in-kind assistance to help not-for-profit and incorporated organisations to support new facilities and upgrades of facilities to benefit the community.

Organisations may apply for a grant to cover between 50% to 90% of the funding gap (total project cost excluding GST less any other external grant sources) up to a maximum of $150,000. If there is no external grant source the funding gap is the total project cost. 

The percentage of the funding gap which is eligible to be covered by Council grant funding and the amount required to be contributed by the applicant is dependent upon the funding gap excluding GST as outlined below:

  • 10% applicant contribution for projects to undertake planning work. This includes planning required for significant infrastructure such as multi lighting design, amenities/canteen/clubhouse plans and/or organisational planning e.g. strategic club development plans.
  • 25% applicant contribution for projects with a funding gap up to $15,000 ex GST. For example, a $12,000 long term equipment purchase would require a $3,000 contribution from the applicant.
  • 30% applicant contribution for projects with a funding gap between $15,001 ex GST and $34,999 ex GST. For example, a $30,000 storage shed would require a $9,000 contribution from the applicant.
  • 40% applicant contribution for projects with a funding gap between $35,000 ex GST and $49,999 ex GST. For example, a $40,000 change room refurbishment would require a $16,000 contribution from the applicant. 
  • 50% applicant contribution for projects with a funding gap of $50,000 ex GST and over. For example, a $90,000 amenities upgrade would require a $45,000 contribution from the applicant.

Funds obtained through other external grant funding sources can't be used as applicant contributions.

The opportunity to apply for a grant is available twice annually:

Opening date Closing date
1 February  1 March 
1 July  1 August 


Groups and organisations that can apply for a grant

Groups and organisations that meet all of the following:

  • are not-for-profit
  • are an incorporated legal entity or are sponsored by an incorporated legal entity
  • operate or provide services within the Toowoomba Regional area
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN).
  • have appropriate insurance and adhere to sound workplace health and safety practices
  • are able to demonstrate financial viability
  • have met all acquittal conditions of previous council grants
  • projects outside of core business of public and private educational institutions (primary, secondary and tertiary including Parents & Citizens and Parents & Friends Associations) and demonstrates broader community benefit
  • conduct activity on land owned privately and/or by the State Government providing evidence of tenure with a term outlining a minimum of 3 years is submitted. 

If your group is not a legally constituted not-for-profit entity, your application will need to be endorsed by a legally constituted not-for-profit entity. The organisation that endorses the application takes responsibility for ensuring the funds are used as specified in the grant allocation. An organisation may endorse one or more community groups and can still lodge an application on its own behalf.

Groups ineligible for a grant

These groups should not apply:

  • for-profit companies, trusts and other organisations
  • government, semi-government organisations and statutory authorities 
  • unions and student guilds
  • research foundations and
  • professional associations

Sport and recreation grants will not fund:

  • programs such as coaching, professional development, training or first aid
  • loan or other debt repayments
  • projects already started (i.e., items purchased* or construction commenced) or completed (i.e., already constructed)
  • recurrent administration and running costs such as regular wages, office expenses, rent, mortgage repayments or land purchases
  • equipment that has a short life or needs regular replacement 
  • rates, utilities, energy, insurance or regulatory expenses
  • projects with a commercial purpose
  • projects already funded by other Toowoomba Regional Council grant programs
  • prize money, trophies, raffle prizes or fundraising
  • core business projects of public and private educational institutions (primary, secondary and tertiary including Parents & Citizens and Parents & Friends Associations)
  • sport and recreation events 1
  • offset of fees and charges for Council facilities, equipment or services1
  • assistance to enhance or improve an existing service or community facility.1

1 These projects may be eligible under an alternate grants scheme

* Project items purchased within the previous 12 months, and submitted as an in-kind contribution towards the grant application, will not be considered as having already started the project (subject to the items meeting all Australian Standards, Building Code and Council requirements).

Low priority is given to:

  • organisations/individuals that have received funding previously for similar events excluding community events.

Specific conditions of funding may vary between grant programs. For further information, please contact an officer from the relevant funding program on 131 872.

Grant assessment

Applicants must demonstrate that:

  • the organisation and project is eligible;
  • the organisation and project is viable;
  • genuine need and community benefit;
  • how and why the support being requested will positively impact the local community;
  • evidence of planning, consultation and support;
  • financial need, the organisation's contribution and support, and other funding sought (whether successful or not);
  • linkages to program objectives;
  • any regulatory requirements have been or will be met; and
  • a balanced, realistic and complete project budget.

Grants are assessed by panels that include our staff experienced in each category and Councillors. Grants are highly competitive and approval will depend on available funds, the number of applications and program priorities. Part-funding may be offered.

Unsuccessful applicants may contact the relevant staff member, who will provide feedback and assistance with future grant applications.

Grant conditions

Successful applicants must:

  • enter into a funding agreement with us
  • use the grant only for the nominated purpose for which it is given, unless written approval is given by Council for a variation
  • obtain all appropriate permits, approvals, licences, insurances and indemnities etc, relating to the project
  • expend the funds within 12 months of being granted, unless written approval has been given by us for an extension
  • acknowledge our support as set out in the funding agreement
  • acquit the grant on an acquittal form as set out in the funding agreement within six weeks of completion of the project

We reserve the right to request an audit of grant expenditure. Any unspent funds must be returned to us. Successful applicants who fail to comply with any of the above conditions may have their grant funding offer withdrawn.


The following organisations and projects were successful in receiving funding in the March 2023 round of the Toowoomba Regional Council Sport and Recreation Community Grants:

North Toowoomba Bowls Club: $21,852.73 Excl GST to upgrade shading around the bowling greens

Peranga and District Bowls Club Inc: $17,924.77 Excl GST to undertake a number of facility upgrades

Toowoomba Polocrosse Club Inc: $2,216.44 Excl GST to purchase a new 2 door fridge

Toowoomba Tennis Association Inc: $22,554.55 Excl GST to upgrade the grandstand

Perseverance Aquatic Club Inc: $8,325.05 Excl GST to install tables and a shade shelter

West Toowoomba Croquet Club Inc: $2,160.00 Excl GST to purchase new mallets



Application help

Online grants will need to be submitted no later than 5pm on the closing date. Late submissions will not be accepted. Advice and assistance on applying for our grants can be obtained by contacting a Sport and Recreation Officer on 131 872. If necessary, a staff member may suggest meeting at a mutual location (e.g. local library/office) to help explain the online form content.


How to apply

  1. Read the 2.14 Sport and Recreation Grant Program Guidelines to check eligibility. If you are unsure of your eligibility, please contact a Sport and Recreation Officer on 131 872.
  2. If eligible, fill in the Sport & Recreation Grant - Toowoomba Regional Council (smartygrants.com.au)


Should intending applicants be successful in their submission, when it comes time to acquit their project, the grant acquittal summary template will need to be completed and uploaded as a file attachment with the SmartyGrants online acquittal process.

Our suite of community support grants is now online and powered by SmartyGrants. Those new to SmartyGrants are required to establish a username and password before they can commence an application, and our staff are willing to assist new users with this step. Regular grant subscribers may already be familiar with SmartyGrants, and for those that aren’t, we are willing to meet with community groups and organisations to provide a simple overview of the system.


Related information

Our online statistical tool, which provides information on our region’s demographic and economic breakdown, may provide further information for the development of grant applications.