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Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) this week (Tuesday, November 19, 2024) endorsed revised Animal Management Centre operating procedures, including the removal of the after hours drop off box facility, which will start from a date to be notified in February 2025.
TRC Environmental and Regulatory Services portfolio spokesperson Cr Bill Cahill said Council would prepare an education campaign in early 2025 to highlight the Animal Management Centre’s operations.
“Council commissioned the RSPCA to conduct a review of the Animal Management Centre’s services, particularly the after hours drop off box facility, in response to public feedback,” Cr Cahill said.
“Council will follow the RSPCA recommendation to decommission the after hours drop off box facility to alleviate animal welfare risks in line with community expectations. Feedback provided by the community was considered as part of the RSPCA review.
“Council will continue to respond to reports of dog attacks and cases where animals present a significant nuisance or risk to the community, including cases where action is required outside business hours.
“It must be remembered that the Animal Management Centre primarily holds animals for short stays, with most animals released to their owners within 24 or 48 hours of impoundment. This is aided where owners have complied with Queensland legislation that requires dogs and cats to be microchipped, and for dogs to be registered with Council. For details visit,
“Occasional longer-term care of animals is generally linked to cases involving Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal directions or where dogs have been seized.
“Council is taking these measures to ensure the welfare of animals that are housed at the Animal Management Centre, in line with various State legislation.
“Under the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001, members of the public also have a duty to care for animals which come into their care or which they find roaming.
“Residents who do find roaming animals are asked to call the Animal Management Centre on 131 872 during business hours (9am to 4.30pm) to advise they are bringing the animal to the centre.
“Alternatively, residents also can access numerous social media sources to publicise a lost animal if it does not have its owner’s contact details on a collar.”
Cr Cahill said Council had enhanced its lost pet section on its website to allow easier identification of animals. For details, please visit,
The motion was approved at Council’s November Ordinary Meeting.
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