Toowoomba Regional Council today (Tuesday, May 28) unanimously endorsed a motion to continue operating the Toowoomba City Aerodrome.

Council also endorsed undertaking a review to ensure leases, fees and charges are commercially competitive and in line with similar aerodromes.

Toowoomba Region Mayor Cr Geoff McDonald said Council would undertake a further detailed review in the next two years to establish a cost recovery price path for the facility.

“Council also endorsed a simultaneous review be conducted into the Toowoomba City Aerodrome’s operations and services, including the financial and non-financial benefits and costs to the community,” Mayor McDonald said.

“The aerodrome, like all of Council’s assets, is subject to an annual full cost pricing review for both budget and annual financial reporting purposes. (Please see: Annual Report (

“Council continues to look for ways to be more efficient across all its operations to ensure we are getting the best return for ratepayers.

“This option is seen as the most equitable solution for lessees and the ratepayers who subsidise the aerodrome and its various users, both private businesses and organisations such as LifeFlight and the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

“Reporting for previous financial years has shown that Council does not recover the full cost of the aerodrome activities from revenue generated by leases/landing fees.

“The review is carried out in accordance with National Competition Policy and appropriate sections of the Local Government Act 2009 and the Local Government Regulation 2012.

“Council will continue to liaise with the lessees during this review.

“Current leases will continue for their duration, and following the outcome of the planned review, any new lease fees or conditions will be negotiated when leases are up for renewal.”