Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) has today acknowledged the State Government’s update on the North South Transport Corridor with the State ‘scrapping’ plans regarding the proposed corridor.

TRC Mayor Geoff McDonald said the Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) said they had considered feedback received from the community through the consultation phase.

“The sheer volume of community interest and concern regarding the alignment of the Toowoomba North-South Transport Corridor shows that a re-think of the corridor was needed and that’s the process the State says it will now undertake.

“Council agrees that there is a growing need for an additional north-south road for the Toowoomba Region and remains committed to advocating for minimal disruption to residents, protection of environment and areas of cultural significance and mitigating impacts on the local road network while achieving the best possible outcome for the region.

“With the amount of development and growth happening in and around Toowoomba, including the new hospital, there is a critical need for an alternative transport solution north-south through greater Toowoomba and it is critical the State Government invests in this much-needed planning now.

“Council also emphasises the importance of appropriate ongoing consultation with the community by DTMR to address concerns,” Mayor McDonald said.

For further information regarding the Toowoomba North-South Corridor visit