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Memorials and plaques ensure that our community continue to honour our people, culture, environment, history and events. We have developed a policy to provide a compassionate and consistent approach to the placement of memorials and plaques within the community. The policy defines the guidelines for the design, approval, installation, maintenance and management of memorials and plaques within open spaces and on roads and infrastructure.
For a roadside memorial please complete an Memorials & plaques - Roadside memorial application form (online) and submit. There is no application fee.
Roadside memorials on state-controlled roads must be referred to the Department of Transport and Main Roads for approval.
For a dedication plaque on infrastructure please complete the Memorials & plaques - Application for a dedication plaque on infrastructure (online) and submit. There is no application fee.
For a memorial within an open space, park or garden please follow these steps:
There is no application fee, however, fees relating to statutory approvals for the installation (eg building approval) are the applicant's responsibility. You must be able to meet the following criteria:
2.47 Memorials & Plaques
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