Gowrie Junction aerial photo

State Government submission 2022

Projects highlighted in the 2022 submission:

Highfields / Gowrie Growth Area Connection Project

Neil Street Culvert Upgrade

Crows Nest Waste Water Treatment Plant


Highfields / Gowrie Growth Area Connection Project

Total project estimate: $32 million

Council’s strategic planning expects significant growth, estimated to be a further 9000 residents and 4000 new dwellings over the next 20 years, in the northern communities of Toowoomba. This area includes the Highfields, Gowrie Junction and Meringandan areas.highfieldsgowriegrrowthareaconnectionproject

This level of growth is expected to generate 40,000 additional vehicle trips per day on the transport network. Of these, 30,000 will travel between the northern communities and key destinations in the Toowoomba CBD, the Toowoomba Enterprise Hub (TEH), and to other destinations (both within and outside the region) via the State-controlled transport network, which includes the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing (TSRC).

Council’s Sustainable Transport Strategy identifies a need for a transport network link between Old Goombungee Road and Mort Street to provide alternative access for the northern communities to Toowoomba City, the TEH and the State-controlled transport network.

The Highfields / Gowrie Growth Areas Connection Project involves the construction of a new link bridge, providing a transport connection between Mort Street and Old Goombungee Road and Old Goombungee Road safety improvements to the New England Highway.

It is worth noting, the Department of Transport and Main Roads agrees that the project provides benefits to both the local and state road networks.


Neil Street Culvert Upgrade 

Total project estimate: $12 million  

Council is committed to building flood immunity in our Region and requests support for the upgrade of the Neil Street culvert to a nominal Q100 design.

This is the next stage of the East Creek Masterplan Flood Mitigation Project. The upgrade will include:neilstreetculvertupgrade

  • an intersection upgrade of Neil Street and the New England Highway (Chalk Drive).
  • replacement and upgrade of the existing box culverts to improve flood mitigation.
  • improved connectivity of pedestrian and cycleway networks.

The Neil Street Culvert Upgrade will continue to build upon Council’s flood mitigation program and substantially improve infrastructure resilience and community safety in this area of Toowoomba City. 


Crows Nest Wastewater Treatment Plant 

Total project estimate: $9.8 million 

Onsite septic tanks and household treatment plants treat sewage in Crows Nest, for a population of about 1800. The effluent from these systems is collected by the Common Effluent Discharge (CED) sewerage system and transported to effluent lagoons where final treatment takes place.crowsnestwastewatertreatmentplant

Discharge from the effluent lagoons irrigates the adjacent golf course. There is an excessive volume of solids in the network due to ineffective onsite treatment, and the system has significant infiltration during wet weather events.

Investment in new wastewater infrastructure for the Crows Nest township will remove the partial reliance on septic systems. The improvements will also mean that all sewage will pass through an upgraded sewerage treatment plant. Employing modern treatment methods will improve the health risk from the current system and return benefits to the community and environment.

Council seeks assistance to construct a new wastewater treatment plant at Crows Nest to replace and upgrade the capacity of the current CED lagoons.

Related document

State Government submission 2022