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The Toowoomba Civic Square is a beautiful grassed area in the hub of the CBD that links together the Toowoomba City Library, Council Customer Service Centre, Art Gallery, City Hall and Council administration offices.
The Civic Square can be found behind the library building at the corner of Herries and Victoria Streets, Toowoomba. View Google map.
To check for vacancies and make a booking contact us via any of the following options.
Online: Community venues booking form (online)Phone: 4688 6998Email:
Bookings for this venue are by appointment.
An area hire fee is applicable. Fees are found here.
Civic Square Map (PDF)
Length: 59 metres on the northern side (Mothercraft Lane) and 47.7 metres on the southern side.
Width: 44.9 metres on the western side and approximately 53.9 metres on the eastern side (Gallery Lane).
Details about each of these venues can be found on the Function centres and community venues web page.
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