Business continuity planning to deal with a disaster

In the event of a disaster impacting you and your community, it is important to have plans in place to protect your business, your assets, your employees and help your business continue to operat...

Starting & growing a business

The State Government's Business and Industry website offers a comprehensive guide for people interested in starting a business. Advice ranges from what to do before you start, through to running a bus...

Sustainable business

Whether a small home-based office, a commercial enterprise or a large industrial operation, businesses can cut costs and improve their environmental sustainability by following some simple suggestions...

Businesses & liquid trade waste

Any commercial and industrial business that discharges a liquid waste to our sewerage infrastructure other than domestic waste is required to apply for a trade waste approval to discharge such waste t...

Federal Government Free Trade Agreement support for business

The information below outlines the range of trade-related Federal Government support and advice that is available to assist Australian businesses take advantage of the free trade agreements (FTA). Th...

Small Business Support

Courses, tools, and resources to help support small businesses in our Region. Small Business Friendly Program We’ve joined the Small Business Friendly Program partnering with the Queensland Smal...

Small Business Friendly Council initiative

Actively supporting small business in the Toowoomba Region We’ve joined the Small Business Friendly Council’s (SBFC) initiative partnering with the Queensland Small Business Commissioner to activ...