General rates & charges

Rate notices are issued during August and February and reflect the cost of services, facilities and activities that are supplied or undertaken for the benefit of the community. We are requir...

Receive your rates notice by email

By switching to electronic billing, you will receive your rates notice and water notice as an Adobe PDF to your nominated email address, and will no longer receive a paper copy by regular post. How t...

How to check your outstanding rates balance

Our online system makes checking your outstanding rates balance quick and easy. How to check your rates balance Open our online system (opens in new window) Enter your reference number and c...

Rates search

A conveyancing questionnaire takes approximately 5 working days.   How to apply The property search form is available in a PDF version or can be submitted through our online services. Online ...

Relief from water consumption charges after a water leak

Partial relief from payment of water consumption charges will only be granted if we are satisfied that: the water consumed was the result of an unapparent plumbing failure, and as soon as the...

Land valuations and what they mean for your rates

How and when recent land valuations were calculated The Department of Resources provides us with land valuations. Department of Resources last re-valued the Toowoomba Region effective 30 June 20...

Requesting a copy of a current or historical rate notice / water rate notice

How to obtain a copy of your CURRENT rate or water rate notice There are two ways to obtain a copy of your current financial year's rate or water notice. Copies of notices are only available to ...

Water rates & pricing

If you'd like to know more about water usage and supply check out our other pages: Dam levels & daily usage Water sources & supply Water restrictions & conservation Water saving tips...

Rate categories

We have a differential general rating scheme that recognises the diverse demographics of the Region. This approach recognises land used for the following purposes: City and outer urban ar...

Overdue rates and interest charges

Arrangement to pay If you have overdue rates and charges and want to set up a payment plan, you can use one of the following options: create a payment plan online contact us. Interest Interes...