You can pay your rates, register your dog, report problems and issues, apply for a licence, lodge an application, request a service and update your details.


Report an issue

external link icon  Request mowing in parks

external link icon  Report litter in park

 external link icon Report park facility issue

external link icon  Report a barking dog 

external link icon  Report an animal issue e.g. odour, dust nuisance

external link icon  Report an overgrown/unsightly private property

external link icon  Report tree issue in park or footpath

 external link icon Report parking issues (such as unlawful parking)


See below for a list of everything you can do via online services.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?  Lodge a general request and our Customer Service Team will help to direct your enquiry to the right team. 

Note: Our online service requests are monitored during business hours only. If your matter is an emergency or requires urgent assistance, please call us on 131 872.