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Ordinary Meetings of Council are held on the third Tuesday of each month in City Hall, 541 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba City. Meetings commence at 9am and are open to the public, with the exception of confidential matters which are discussed in a closed meeting.
The notice of meeting, table of contents and agenda items (excluding confidential items) are available on this website on the Monday morning prior to the meeting. Minutes from the Ordinary Meetings of Council will be available within ten days of the meeting. These are provided in a PDF designed for print. However, if you have trouble accessing or reading these documents, please contact us.
Special meetings of Council may be called from time to time to discuss specific issues.
The meeting schedule can be found in our 'Council meeting structure & meeting schedule' article.
Best practice standing orders for local government and standing committee meetings
Material Personal Interest / Conflict of Interest – 2020/21
Material Personal Interest / Conflict of Interest - 2019/20
Material Personal Interest / Conflict of Interest - 2018/19
Material Personal Interest / Conflict of Interest - 2017/18
Material Personal Interest / Conflict of Interest - 2016/17
Material Personal Interest / Conflict of Interest - 2015/16
Personal Interest - 2019/20
Personal Interest - 2018/19
Petition advice
Sample Petition (PDF for print) - indicates the content of the first and subsequent pages of a Petition. Once downloaded this document can be completed and printed.
We are in the process of changing the way we manage Council meeting agendas and minutes. While this change is being made documents can be found in two locations:
Instructions: Find the relevant meeting in the list below. Select it to view all associated files, or use the links in the Files columns to view any available agendas, packets or minutes. The video icon in the Media column will launch the video.
Live Stream videos of Committee, Ordinary and Special meetings of Council commencing 23 April 2020 can be viewed on YouTube.
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