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Detailed below are the priority projects Toowoomba Regional Council is advocating for, on behalf of the community, from the 2021 Queensland State Budget. A list of all the projects Toowoomba Regional Council is advocating for can be found on our 'State election submission 2020' webpage.
Total project estimate: $9.8 million
Electorate: Condamine
Onsite septic tanks and household treatment plants treat sewage in Crows Nest (population approximately 1800). The effluent from these onsite systems is collected by the Common Effluent Discharge (CED) sewerage system and transported to effluent lagoons where final treatment occurs. Discharge from the effluent lagoons irrigates the adjacent golf course. There is an excessive volume of solids in the network due to ineffective onsite treatment, and the system has significant infiltration during wet weather events.
Investment in new wastewater infrastructure for the Crows Nest township will remove the partial reliance on septic systems. The improvements will also mean that all sewage will pass through an upgraded sewerage treatment plant. Employing modern treatment methods will improve the health and environmental risks from the current system and return many benefits to the community.
Toowoomba Regional Council seeks assistance from the State Government to construct a new wastewater treatment plant at Crows Nest to replace and upgrade the capacity of the current CED lagoons.
Total project estimate: $12 million
Electorate: Toowoomba North
Toowoomba Regional Council is determined to continue building flood immunity in our Region and requests support for the upgrade of Neil Street culvert to a nominal Q100 design. This upgrade is the next stage of the East Creek Masterplan Flood Mitigation Projects.
The upgrade will include:
The Neil Street culvert upgrade will continue to build upon Council’s flood mitigation program and substantially improve infrastructure resilience and community safety and connectivity in this area of Toowoomba City.
Total project estimate: $5 million
Toowoomba Regional Council, with support from the Queensland Government, completed the first stage of development of the Railway Parklands PDA in 2019 through the restoration of the 120-year-old Railway Goods Shed.
This next stage builds on the project’s existing investment to create a fully functional iconic venue which would also accelerate both commercial and community use.
The additional investment will include soundproofing, commercial kitchens, air conditioning, light riggings and car parking. The investment will enable the venue to be self-contained and to be significantly more attractive to more substantial events, conferences and exhibitions, increasing visitation and spend.
The upgraded project will significantly raise the profile of Toowoomba as an event, exhibition, conference and cultural destination. The completion of the Goods Shed will act as a catalyst for urban renewal of the surrounding precincts of the Railway Parklands Priority Development Area. It will also encourage commercial activities and realise a wider range of economic, cultural, social and civic benefits.
The Toowoomba Regional Council is seeking support from the State Government for Stage 2 upgrades to the Railway Goods Shed.
State budget submission 2021
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