State election submission

The Toowoomba Region is one of Queensland’s most vibrant and diverse regional communities. The area is experiencing unprecedented growth, with the current rate of development, testament to the region’s potential.

Local governments are community builders. Few organisations deliver the range of services that we provide for our customers every day. As a Council, we are determined to overcome the effects of the global pandemic and ensure the essential services we provide keep up with the growth of our Region.

The State Government has always been a significant investor in the Toowoomba Region. In the past financial year, Council has received more than $28 million in grants, subsidies and contributions from the state and federal governments. While Council is grateful for these contributions, it reinforces how dependent local government is on external funding. 

Our task, as a local government, is to provide the community's essential services in an economically responsible manner. Council believes that further investment by the State Government is vital to seize the wealth of opportunity before us.

The priority projects in this submission will enhance the Toowoomba Region's economic strength and improve the lifestyle of our residents as our community moves into an exciting new chapter.

  • Water security
  • Wastewater upgrades
  • Roads of regional significance
  • Flood mitigation upgrades
  • Community facilities
  • Economic development
  • Regional sustainability

Local government cannot be left to shoulder the full cost of providing essential infrastructure to our growing communities in addition to meeting residents' expectations across our other activities.
We are a resilient Region. We have rebuilt after floods, fire, severe drought and we will again after the Coronavirus Pandemic.
The best years are ahead of us and working together; we can rebuild our Region. Toowoomba Regional Council looks forward to working with the next Parliament of Queensland to make our Region an even better place to live, work and play.

- Paul Antonio, Mayor - Toowoomba Regional Council

High priority projects


Total project estimate: $25 million

Electorate: Condaminestateelectionwater 580

The proposed Toowoomba Region Southern Water Pipeline will provide a sustainable water supply to the communities of Vale View, Cambooya, Greenmount, Nobby and Clifton.

For decades, water quality in these communities has been of concern with local bores declining in production capability. Council is currently carting 11 truck loads of potable water from the Toowoomba Bulk Water Supply into Clifton every day.

With a total pipeline length of 45km and an estimated cost of $25 million, all towns could be serviced for the foreseeable future by a Toowoomba Region Southern Water Pipeline connecting Clifton to the Toowoomba Bulk Water Supply.

Toowoomba Regional Council seeks the State Government's support and financial assistance to coordinate, plan, design and construct the Toowoomba Region Southern Water Pipeline.

Total project estimate: $50 million

Electorate: Condaminestateelectionwater 580

Toowoomba Regional Council requests support for the renewal of the Perseverance Raw Water Main. With the pipeline constructed in 1968, this critical 28km trunk main has been declining in performance and needs substantial renewal.

A recent condition and performance analysis has provided a strong case for an upgrade.

The project, estimated to cost $50 million, will completely replace the entire length of main to 750mm pipe from the Pechey balance reservoirs to the Mt Kynoch Water Treatment Plant.


Total project estimate: $2 million

Electorate: Condaminestateelectionwastewater 580
The Clifton Wastewater Treatment Plant was commissioned in the 1970s and has four settlement ponds as part of its treatment process. The plant has over time received several smaller improvements to extend its longevity but ultimately requires a thorough overhaul. Due to its age, the treatment plant requires a substantial upgrade to meet current regulatory and environmental requirements.

An upgrade to the system would improve the effluent quality to exceed current State Government regulatory requirements now and into the future. An improved treatment plant would also provide a valuable resource for the local agricultural industry by making available fit-for-purpose recycled water for drought-affected local growers.

Toowoomba Regional Council seeks assistance from the State Government for funding to assess the current plant, design planning of the inflow and a new plant to meet licence conditions.

Total project estimate: $9.8 million

Electorate: Condaminestateelectionwastewater 580
Onsite septic tanks and household treatment plants treat sewage in Crows Nest (population approximately 1800). The effluent from these onsite systems is collected by the Common Effluent Discharge (CED) sewerage system and transported to effluent lagoons where final treatment occurs. Discharge from the effluent lagoons irrigates the adjacent golf course. There is an excessive volume of solids in the network due to ineffective onsite treatment, and the system has significant infiltration during wet weather events.

Investment in new wastewater infrastructure for the Crows Nest township will remove the partial reliance on septic systems. The improvements will also mean that all sewage will pass through an upgraded sewerage treatment plant. Employing modern treatment methods will improve the health risk from the current system and return many benefits to the community and the environment.

Toowoomba Regional Council seeks assistance from the State Government to construct a new wastewater treatment plant at Crows Nest to replace and upgrade the capacity of the current CED lagoons.

Roads of regional significance

Total project estimate: $24 million

Electorate: Condaminestateelectionroads 580

Greater access for Higher Productivity Vehicles (HPVs) on local roads is a high priority for government, industry, freight operators and end-users of freight services because of improved productivity gains and cost savings. However, many freight journeys commence or end on local roads and an inability to operate HPVs for the entire journey from origin to destination.

Through the First and Last Mile Project undertaken by Toowoomba Regional Council, Western Downs Regional Council and Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ), several key heavy vehicle freight routes have been identified as having constraints due to the "first and last mile" aspects of the journey on the local government road network.

Council has identified two key freight routes in the Toowoomba Region where strategic investment is needed. The Bowenville – Moola Road and Dalby-Nungil Road provide strategic industry access to seven cattle feedlots and four piggery operations. Currently HPVs access these two roads under permit arrangements only. For Performance Based Standard 3 (PBS 3) heavy vehicles to have as of right access, these roads need an upgrade to an acceptable standard. This investment would see road safety upgrading to nearly 25km of road including widening of narrow sections and curves, rehabilitation of rough sections, intersection improvements and improvements to the approaches to Myall Creek.

New investment in these key freight routes will strengthen the economic growth of key industries in the Toowoomba and Western Downs Regions. Toowoomba Regional Council is seeking support from the State Government for two key freight routes, the Bowenville-Moola Road and Dalby-Nungil Road.

Total project estimate: $7 million

Electorate: Toowoomba Northstateelectionroads 580
The Highfields CBD Road Upgrade Project involves a major intersection upgrade at the junction of Kratzke Road, O’Brien Road and Highfields Road. The upgrade includes full signalisation, associated drainage works, utility relocations and public transport facilities.

The project will act as a catalyst for the new Highfields CBD Upgrade, improving traffic flow and safer pedestrian accessibility for nearby schools and aged care facilities.

Toowoomba Regional Council seeks assistance from the State Government for this critical upgrade project.

Total project estimate: $2.5 million

Electorate: Toowoomba Northstateelectionroads 580

Council’s strategic planning provides for significant growth (a further 9000 residents over the next 20 years and 4000 new dwellings) in the northern communities of the Region including the Highfields, Gowrie Junction and Meringandan areas.

Growth in the Highfields area is expected to generate 40000 additional vehicle trips per day on the transport network. Of these commuters, 30000 will travel between northern communities, CBD destinations, the Toowoomba Trade Gateway and other destinations within and outside the Region using State-controlled transport networks including the Toowoomba Bypass.

The Highfields / Gowrie Growth Areas Connection Project involves the construction of a new link bridge providing a transport connection between Mort Street Interchange on the Toowoomba Bypass and Old Goombungee Road including safety improvements to Old Goombungee Road.

Council requests $2.5 million to progress detailed design of the Highfields/Gowrie Growth area Connection Project.

Flood mitigation upgrades

Total project estimate: $12 million

Electorate: Toowoomba Northstateelectionresiliance 580

Toowoomba Regional Council is determined to build flood immunity in our Region and request support for the upgrade of Neil Street culvert to a nominal Q100 design. This upgrade is the next stage of the East Creek Masterplan Flood Mitigation Projects.

The upgrade will include:
• an intersection upgrade of Neil Street and New England Highway (Chalk Drive);
• replacement and upgrade of the existing box culverts to improve flood mitigation; and
• improved connectivity of pedestrian and cycleway networks.

The Neil Street culvert upgrade will build upon Council's flood mitigation providing the maximum benefit on this important waterway.

Total project estimate: $0.4 million

Electorate: Toowoomba Northstateelectionresiliance 580

The proposed planning study will look at the critical elements in Council’s Gowrie Creek Catchment Flood Mitigation Project downstream of the Toowoomba CBD.

The project will include a planning study for flood mitigation and green corridor options in the Gowrie Creek Corridor from Victoria Street, CBD to Griffiths Street, Willowburn.

Toowoomba Regional Council seeks funding assistance for this critical flood mitigation planning study.

Community facilities

Total project estimate: $4 million

Electorate: Toowoomba Northstateelectionfacilities 580

The Toowoomba Railway Parklands Project is a once-in-a-generation opportunity that will transform our city, unlike anything we have seen in the past 100 years.

Investment in this 50-hectare parcel of land, bordered by Russell, Neil, Campbell, Ruthven, Bridge and Mort Streets will invigorate business investment, employment and the housing sector through an under-utilised area of the central business district.

Stage 2 parkland construction to the north of the Goods Shed will transform the iconic parkland and also provide a catalyst for the broader investment in the Toowoomba Railway Parklands Priority Development Area (PDA). The investment will stimulate growth through community activation, encouragement of significant private sector investment in urban renewal and commercial activities in surrounding precincts and enhancing connectivity to the broader central business district.

The long-term economic benefit of investment in PDA urban renewal and development is estimated at $680 million and 3000 jobs.

The Toowoomba Regional Council is seeking support from the State Government for Stage 2A of the larger project that provides funding for detailed design for the parkland development.

Total project estimate: $5 million

Electorate: Toowoomba Northstateelectionfacilities 580

Toowoomba Regional Council, with support from the Queensland Government, completed the first stage of development of the Railway Parklands PDA in 2019 through the restoration of the 120-year-old Railway Goods Shed.

This builds on the project’s existing investment to create a fully functional iconic venue which would also accelerate both commercial and community use.

The additional investment will include soundproofing, commercial kitchens, air conditioning, light riggings and car parking. The investment will enable the venue to be self-contained and to be significantly more attractive to more significant events, conferences and exhibitions, attracting increased visitation and spend.

The project will significantly raise the profile of Toowoomba as an event, exhibition, conference and cultural destination. The completion of the Goods Shed will act as a catalyst for urban renewal of the surrounding precincts of the Railway Parklands Priority Development Area. It will also encourage commercial activities and realise a wider range of economic, cultural, social and civic benefits.

The Toowoomba Regional Council is seeking support from the State Government for Stage 2 upgrades to the Railway Goods Shed.

Economic development

Total project estimate: $6 million

Electorate: Toowoomba Northstateelectiondevelopment 580

Russell Street is an iconic Toowoomba destination with a critical role to play in the implementation of the Toowoomba City Centre Master Plan. The project that covers the precinct between Victoria and Neil Streets will transform Russell Street into a vibrant, people-friendly destination and enhance the area’s unique character.

It will provide an engaging and inclusive environment that supports business and community growth.

This project has the opportunity to reconnect Russell Street to the existing laneway network, the Ruthven Street redevelopment as well as the emerging Railway Parklands precinct and Queens Park. The project also capitalises on changes to the way people travel along Russell Street after the construction of the Outer Circulating Road, including provision for a more activated space for pedestrians and cyclists.

The concept plan proposes revitalising the street by upgrading footpaths, building a central median strip between Victoria and Ruthven streets, planting street trees, installing new street furniture, upgrading street and footpath lighting and installing public artworks.

Council is requesting State Government assistance for the construction of this shovel-ready project.

Total project estimate: $5 million

Electorate: Toowoomba Northstateelectiondevelopment 580

Council seeks support to develop a world-class adventure and ecotourism attraction that complements Toowoomba’s reputation as the Garden City. The development will create a unique tourism package new to Toowoomba, generating inter-state visitation and visitation from a younger demographic which currently Toowoomba does not attract.

The cost of Stage 1 includes:
• $3.6 million for rehabilitation and risk management works
• $1.38 million for entry and community gardens, adventure play, education centre and adventure tourism, site amenities, event outdoor Amphitheatre.

A KPMG Feasibility Analysis anticipates that when complete, the Bridge Street Quarry Gardens Project would be expected to attract over 160,000 visitors annually, of which 20% are expected to stay overnight in Toowoomba. The ongoing operation of the facility, including the opportunity for private commercial investment, is expected to provide 20 full-time-equivalent jobs (post-construction), and over 60 volunteer opportunities for the community.

Council seeks support for Stage 1 of the project and rehabilitates the site to provide safe and environmentally sustainable greenspace that will increase connectivity to other escarpment parks.

Total project estimate: $7 million

Electorate: Toowoomba Northstateelectiondevelopment 580

The Highfields Library project is an initiative to construct a library, customer service centre and community meeting facility in Highfields. The new facility will replace the existing temporary library which supports around 52600 visitors each year.

The project delivers a modern purpose-built library, customer service centre and community meeting facility that will meet the needs of the growing Highfields community. The project is planned to commence in early 2021 and expected to open in late 2021.
Council is seeking State Government support for this shovel-ready project.

Regional sustainability

Total project estimate: $2 million

Electorate: Toowoomba Northstateelectionsustainability 580

The growth of Highfields and the potential of the Central Highfields CBD is a good news story for our Region. The development of Central Highfields provides an opportunity to catalyse investment and jobs creation in one of Toowoomba’s fastest-growing areas. The site is part of mixed-use retail, a commercial and residential development while supporting the community and open space activities.

Council has worked in partnership with the Highfields community in developing the master plan. Investment in infrastructure capacity will fast-track the benefits to the Highfields community. The new town centre will provide for a diversity of housing opportunities in a thriving greenfield centre.

Council is currently developing the structural plan that sets the intended future urban form and land uses. It is based on the current understanding of the commercial property market and community expectations for social infrastructure and local character. The next phase of work will investigate a range of investment and development models for Council consideration.

Council is asking the State Government for funding to assist with the design of the infrastructure for the Highfields Town Centre development.

Electorate: Toowoomba South/Toowoomba Northstateelectionsustainability 580

Council is asking the State Government to fast-track development of the new Toowoomba Hospital and redevelopment of the current site.

Electorate: Condamine

stateelectionsustainability 580
Council is asking the State Government to deliver a new State High School to the Western Toowoomba Growth Corridor.

Electorate: Condamine

stateelectionsustainability 580
Council is seeking assistance from the State Government to support the future viability of the Toowoomba Showgrounds.

Total project estimate: $203 million

Electorate: Condaminestateelectionsustainability 580

Council is seeking funding for the upgrade of Spillways to meet the State's Dam Safety Regulator – 100% Acceptable Flood Capacity (AFC)

Total project estimate: TBC

Electorate: Whole of Queenslandstateelectionsustainability 580

Council is seeking a review of the measurement of depreciation under the ASR as a practical measure that will improve the financial sustainability of local government.

Electorate: Toowoomba South / Toowoomba Northstateelectionsustainability 580

Council calls on the State Government to commit to a genuine exploration of fast
rail in South East Queensland, delivered in partnership with the Commonwealth, the Council of Mayors (SEQ) and industry.

Other Projects

New Toowoomba Water Treatment Plant Planning Study

Cost: $3 million

Electorate: Toowoomba North / Condaminestateelectionwater 580


Mt Kynoch Water Treatment Plant Upgrade

Cost: $20 million

Electorate: Toowoomba North

Yarraman Waste Facility Upgrade

Cost: $4 million

Electorate: Nanango


Millmerran Waste Facility Upgrade

Cost: $5 million

Electorate: Southern Downs

Boundary Street North Connectorstateelectionroads 580

Cost: $60 million

Electorate: Toowoomba North


Toowoomba Bypass Mort Street Interchange Gateway Entry Statement

Cost: $3 million

Electorate: Toowoomba North


Crows Nest – Blackbutt Link Upgrade

Cost: $5 million

Electorate: Nanango


Oakey Biddeston Road Rehabilitation Project

Cost: $1 million

Electorate: Condamine


Clifton Road Rehabilitation Project

Cost: $1 million

Electorate: Condamine


Bongeen Road Rehabilitation Project

Cost: $1 million

Electorate: Condamine


Upper Spring Creek Road Rehabilitation Project

Cost: $600,000

Electorate: Condamine


Kingsthorpe Haden Culvert Renewal

Cost: $1 million

Electorate: Condamine


Cockburn Road Upgrade Project

Cost: $1 million

Electorate: Condamine

Related document

State election submission 2020