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Nominations for the vacant Councillor position on Toowoomba Regional Council must be lodged by Tuesday, August 15, 2023.
Council’s Acting Chief Executive Officer Nick Hauser said nominations for the vacant Councillor position would close at 5pm on August 15.
Mr Hauser said nominations for the vacant Councillor position are invited from any person who is qualified to be a Councillor, and from each person who was a candidate for election at the previous Local Government election in 2020.
“Notices calling for nominations have been published, including on Council’s website, and former candidates have been individually notified, where the candidate provided authorisation to publicly release their particular contact details at the time of their nomination at the March 2020 elections (as advised by the Electoral Commission of Queensland),” Mr Hauser said.
“Several former candidates did not provide the authorisation to allow the release of their contact details.
“Council must then meet and formally resolve to fill the vacant office of Councillor by appointing one of those nominees within two months of July 21, 2023.” (Following their appointment by Council, the CEO will then swear in a new Councillor.)
Mr Hauser said individuals who meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the Councillor Nomination form can register as a nominee and be considered for appointment until the end of the current electoral term in March 2024.
To be considered for this position, nominees must live in the Toowoomba local government area and meet the conditions outlined in Chapter 6, Part 2 Division 1 Qualifications of Councillors, Sections 152-156 of the LGA.
Intending nominees are invited to view the application requirements and lodge their application. Enquiries can be directed to 131 872 or
Other informative resources are available by visiting the Local Government Division of the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning, or calling (07) 4616 7314.
Other information about the responsibilities of a Councillor (and details relating to the March 2024 local government election, for people who are considering nominating for the election) can be viewed at by calling 1300 881 665 or via email,
Mr Hauser said Council was following the requirements under the Local Government Act 2009 (LGA) to fill the vacant Councillor position for the remainder of the term. The position became vacant following the resignation of former Mayor Paul Antonio in July this year.
At subsequent Special Meetings of Council, Cr Geoff McDonald, the former Deputy Mayor, was appointed Mayor of the Toowoomba Region, followed by the appointment of Cr Rebecca Vonhoff as Council’s new Deputy Mayor.
Under the LGA there is no requirement to hold an election to fill the vacant office of Councillor as the vacancy is now too close (within 12 months) to the next quadrennial local government election, set for March 16, 2024.
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