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Information 006
Landscape work forms an integral component of most new development by enhancing and protecting the character and function of the site and surrounding area. Council advocates an integrated design approach which considers the required landscape outcomes as part of the overall site design. This approach ensures that landscape works satisfy the provisions of the Planning Scheme, Planning Scheme Policies and the Landscape Code.
Proposed developments are reviewed under one of two statutory process/Acts depending on the date of the development application and/or approval. They are;
Under the Planning Act there are two methods by which Council may assess and approve landscape proposals associated with development.
A site analysis and landscape concept plan may be included for assessment in an application for material change of use or a subdivision which will create a new road. Sufficiently detailed and properly prepared site analysis and landscape concept plans may be approved as part of the development permit.
Where an application has been submitted without a Landscape Plan Council may impose a condition on the development approval requiring that a Landscape Plan submitted for an Endorsement Certificate. A submission for Landscape Plan Endorsement Certificate requires lodgement of a detailed landscape plans, complete Endorsement of Plans/Documents Application Form and payment of an assessment fee.
Process Summary
Under SPA there are two methods by which Council may assess and approve landscape proposals associated with development.
A Site Analysis and Landscape Concept Plan may be included for assessment in an application for material change of use or a subdivision which will create a new road. Sufficiently detailed and properly prepared Site Analysis and Landscape Concept Plans may be approved as part of the Development Permit negating the need for an application for Landscape Compliance Assessment.
Where landscape proposals do not form part of an MCU/RAL development permit, Council may impose a condition requiring that a request for Compliance Certificate for Landscape be submitted prior to issue of a building permit or Operational Works Permit. An application for Landscape Compliance assessment requires lodgement of detailed landscape plans, an IDAS Form 32 and payment of an assessment fee. To view information on the Compliance Assessment process, please go to the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning website:
The following provides a summary of Councils preferred outcomes for landscape. Specific performance outcomes are contained within the codes and policies of the Toowoomba Regional Council Planning Scheme 2012.
The following summary outlines the four forms of landscape plan which may be submitted.
The basis of good design is the recognition of the character and context of the site. The site analysis illustrates the key characteristics of the site and its surrounding and demonstrates how the design responds to opportunities and constraints. The Site Analysis is to be prepared on a survey base showing the elements below and graphically identifying factors influencing the design proposal:
The Landscape Concept plan is to convey the primary functional and aesthetic elements of the landscape design. In particular the concept plan should illustrate hard and soft landscape treatments which will integrate with and enhance the surroundings and create an attractive and comfortable environment for occupants. In particular the concept plan must detail:
Detailed Landscape plans are required for an application for Compliance Assessment if conditioned in a development approval. Plans must be prepared by a Landscape Architect or Landscape Designer with a recognised qualification. In addition to the general requirements applicable to all landscape plans, and information that would be contained in a Landscape Concept Plan, Detailed Landscape Plans must also include:
Street tree plans are to be prepared in accordance with PSP No. 2 Engineering Standards. Particular information to be provided includes:
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