Information 001

The pre-lodgement service is customer-driven, providing an opportunity for customers to identify issues/matters and seek advice about a site, proposed development, and/or proposed changes to an approval prior to the lodgement of a development application or change application.

It is not mandatory to seek pre-lodgement advice prior to making a development application. However, pre-lodgement advice can be an appropriate way to deal with complex or site-specific issues.

Depending on the complexity and the type of advice sought, pre-lodgement advice may be provided as either:

  • emailed response/feedback to issues raised; or 
  • pre-lodgement meeting in person or online, with a summary or notes of discussion points provided.

The format of the pre-lodgement advice will be at the discretion of Council, based on the complexity of the proposal. If it is determined that the request is for written advice, rather than pre-lodgement advice, a fee for written advice will be payable per Council's Register of Fees and Charges.  

How to arrange pre-lodgement advice

Applicants can request pre-lodgement advice by following the steps below complete our online Pre-lodgement Advice Smart Form, making sure to attach the 'mandatory supporting information' listed below.

Mandatory supporting information

Applicants must provide sufficient information to allow appropriate pre-lodgement advice to be provided. Please combine all supporting information into one file.

At a minimum, this should include:

  • A description of the key components of the proposal and a brief planning assessment; and
  • Site layout plan (drawn to scale) showing:
    • the whole of the site including property boundaries, key dimensions and named adjoining/intersecting roads
    • key site characteristics such as contours, vegetation, gullies or similar.
  • For material change of use - layout plan showing components of the proposal such as proposed and existing structures, the location of particular uses, car parking, vehicular and pedestrian access, landscaping etc. Conceptual building floor plans and elevations are highly desirable. 
  • For reconfiguring a lot - layout plan showing lot sizes, typical dimensions, duplex sites (if relevant) and road frontages.

Next steps after form submission

Within two business days, we will email you the name of the responsible Planning Officer, and a reference number. At this time, we will also seek feedback from our internal referral partners (i.e. engineering, environment, parks etc.). Once responses have been received, we will contact you with the advice, noting that this may take two to three weeks, depending on the complexity of the request.

Purpose of the pre-lodgement service

The pre-lodgement service is intended to:

  • confirm applicable Council development requirements under the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme 2012
  • identify Council information requirements, additional technical studies that are required to be lodged with the application
  • confirm the level of assessment and any approvals required
  • confirm the need for the application to be referred to other agencies
  • identify design issues that will need to be addressed based on a preliminary assessment of submitted information
  • explore means to determine possible solutions to identified issues
  • provide feedback to applicants regarding proposed solutions to identified issues
  • respond to queries raised by applicants regarding a potential development application.

The pre-lodgement service is not intended to:

  • provide a detailed assessment of the development proposal
  • provide details of infrastructure charges
  • indicate the likely outcome of the ensuing assessment process
  • provide a detailed compliance audit of the development proposal against applicable planning scheme codes or other Council policy instruments
  • speculate on Council’s view on specific issues should such issues be raised subsequently in public submissions
  • provide feedback on development proposals other than that development proposal for which the meeting was requested.


Further information

For more information about Council's pre-lodgement service, contact our Technical Advice Officers on 131 872 or via, or visit your nearest Customer Service Centre.