Parking permits include resident parking permits for people living within the Toowoomba central traffic area, and temporary parking permits for building work or temporary events.


Resident parking permit (within the Toowoomba central traffic area)

Conditions for approval

As per Subordinate Local Law No. 5 (Parking), a parking permit (a resident parking permit) may be issued to a person whose circumstances are as follows:

  • the person resides in a residence situated on a section of road and parking immediately adjacent to the residence is regulated by time; and
  • the issue of the parking permit would not unduly impede the flow of traffic either on the road or in the area; and
  • the residence does not have, and cannot reasonably be provided with, adequate off-street parking; and
  • if the parking permit is granted – there would not be in force more than 2 resident parking permits for the same residence.
  • Affix the approval to, or exhibit the approval on, a specified part of the vehicle identified in the approval facing outwards and as near as practicable to the location on the windscreen where the registration label used to be displayed. The entire permit must be visible.
  • If the approval holder requests the issue of a replacement, they must complete a Statutory Declaration detailing the facts and circumstances of the loss, destruction, or damage of the original permit.
  • The approval holder must enter into an agreement with the local government to indemnify the local government against claims (including claims made against the approval holder by the local government) for personal injury (including death) and damage to property (including economic loss) arising by, through, or in connection with the use of a vehicle under the approval.
  • Take specified measures to reduce the impact of the activities authorised by the permit so that the activities do not create a traffic nuisance, increase an existing traffic nuisance, or detrimentally affect the efficiency of the road network in which the activity is undertaken.
  • Only use the permit in respect of the parking of a vehicle identified in the permit at the location identified in the permit which must be the road adjacent to the residence identified in the permit or the one or more segments of road in close proximity to the residence identified in the permit.
  • Only use the permit whilst the holder resides at the residence identified in the permit.
  • If the nominated vehicle is sold or the approval holder moves to another residential address, the approval holder must inform Council within 14 days. An approval holder must not use a resident parking permit if they no longer reside at the address nominated on this form.
  • If the permit is lost, damaged, or stolen, the approval holder must inform Council within 14 days.
  • Permits are issued to the vehicle and cannot be swapped between vehicles. Dual permits will not be issued.
  • A resident parking permit must not be used in any other way than is described on this form. Misuse may result in the permit being revoked.
  • The approval holder is responsible for any permits issued.
  • The permit applies only to the vehicle registration and applicant nominated on this form.
  • The applicant must not contravene parking requirements while the permit application is processing.


How to apply

You will need mandatory supporting documentation:

Proof of residency (not applicable if you are the owner/ratepayer of the property)

  • Tenancy Agreement (first 2 pages only).
  • A utility bill (no more than 3 months old) i.e. telephone, electricity etc.
  • Statutory declaration from property owner or primary tenant.

Proof of vehicle details

  • Vehicle registration certificate.
  • Vehicle transfer documents.
  • Vehicle registration renewal notice.
  • Statutory declaration from registered vehicle owner (confirm that the applicant is the primary user of the vehicle at the nominated address).

How to apply

  1. Complete the online permit application form.
  2. Finalise the online permit application form (including payment and uploading attachments).
  3. Once received, a council officer will contact you to arrange a site inspection.
  4. If approved, your permit will be posted to you.

Application cost

View the resident parking permit application fee (fee will not be refunded if the application is unsuccessful).


Temporary parking permit 

For use within the Toowoomba central traffic area. May be used for temporary work where a building is requiring maintenance and a vehicle needs to be parked at location (i.e a specific bay that may be metered) or temporary events affecting the location

Conditions for issuing this permit

  • The applicant is engaged in some temporary activity affecting premises immediately adjacent to the designated parking space or spaces to which the application relates.
  • It is not reasonably practical for the applicant to carry out the activity unless the designated parking space or spaces to which the application relates are allocated to the applicant’s exclusive use for the duration of the activity.


Any damage caused to any part of the carriageway or to any Council equipment or property shall be reinstated at the expense of the applicant.


A parking permit granted under this application does not include works over roads or where scaffolding, trestles, ladders, hoardings or equipment are to be erected or material is to be deposited on pedestrian traffic areas. A separate permit may be necessary from Council infrastructure services in those cases.

Conditions of approval

The conditions of an approval require the approval holder to:

  1. Affix the approval to, or exhibit the approval on, a specified part of the vehicle identified in the approval facing outwards and as near as practicable to the location on the windscreen where the registration label used to be displayed.
  2. If the approval holder requests the issue of a replacement approval they must complete a statutory declaration detailing the facts and circumstances of the loss, destruction or damage of the original approval
  3. Enter into an agreement with the local government to indemnify the local government against claims (including claims made against the approval holder by the local government) for personal injury (including death) and damage to property (including economic loss) arising by, through or in connection with the use of a vehicle under the approval.
  4. If the approval holder is a business they must take out and maintain insurance against personal injury and property damage resulting from the activities authorised by the approval.
  5. Take specified measures to reduce the impact of the activities authorised by the approval so that the activities do not:
  6. Create a traffic nuisance.
  7. Increase an existing traffic nuisance.
  8. Detrimentally affect the efficiency of the road network in which the activity is undertaken.

How to apply

Call Customer Service on 131 872.


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