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Local laws and subordinate local laws applicable to our region are available on the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2020 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
The purpose of this local law is to provide a legal and procedural framework for the administration, implementation and enforcement of the local government's local laws, subordinate local laws and specified regulatory powers under legislation, and to provide for miscellaneous administrative matters
General Effect
To provide for -(a) consistent and comprehensive processes for the local government to grant and regulate approvals to undertake prescribed activities; and(b) authorised persons for enforcing local laws; and(c) review of certain decisions made under local laws; and(d) enforcement of local laws; and(e) matters relating to legal proceedings; and(f) miscellaneous administrative matters relating to meetings, fees, abandoned goods and seized and impounded items.
Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) 2011 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
Register of prohibition and restriction of animals in public
Register of dog off-leash areas
The purpose of this local law is to regulate and manage the keeping and control of animals in the local government's area in a way -(a) balances community expectations with the rights of individuals; and(b) protects the community against risks to health and safety; and(c) prevents pollution and other environmental damage; and(d) protects the amenity of the local community and environment.
To provide for -(a) the regulation of the keeping of animals in terms of how many, what type, how, and where animals can be kept; and(b) the prescription of minimum standards for keeping animals; and(c) the proper control of animals in public places and koala conservation areas; and(d) the management of dangerous or aggressive animals other than dogs; and(e) the seizure and destruction of animals in certain circumstances; and(f) the establishment and administration of animal pounds.
Local Law No. 3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2011 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
The purpose of this local law is to protect the environment and public health, safety and amenity within the local government's area.
To provide for the elimination or reduction of risks and threats to the environment and public health, safety and amenity resulting from -(a) inadequate protection against animal and plant pests; and(b) vegetation overgrowth; and(c) visual pollution resulting from accumulation of objects and materials; and(d) fires and fire hazards not regulated by State law; and(e) community safety hazards; and(f) noise that exceeds noise standards.
Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2018 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
The purpose of this local law is to -(a) protect the health and safety of persons using local government controlled land, facilities, infrastructure and roads, and(b) preserve features of the natural and built environment and other aspects of the amenity of local government controlled land, facilities, infrastructure and roads.
To provide for -(a) the regulation of access to local government controlled areas; and(b) the prohibition or restriction of particular activities on local government controlled areas or roads; and(c) miscellaneous matters affecting roads and stormwater drainage.
Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2011 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
The purpose of this local law is to complement the regulated parking provisions in chapter 5, part 6 of the TORUM Act by providing for the exercise of local government powers authorised under that Act.
To provide for -(a) the establishment of traffic areas and off-street regulated parking areas; and(b) lawfully parking contrary to an indication on an official traffic sign with a parking permit or in a loading zone with a commercial vehicle identification label; and(c) the prescribing of infringement notice penalties for minor traffic offences.
Local Law No.6 (Aerodromes) 2017 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
The purpose of this local law is to regulate the use and operation of aerodromes controlled by the local government.
The purpose is to be achieved by—
(a) protecting the public against risk of injury and the community against damage; and
(b) ensuring that activities at the aerodromes are undertaken in an orderly and safe manner and do not create a hazard to public health or a threat to property; and
(c) controlling the public use of the aerodromes to the extent that the use is consistent with the rights, expectations and safety of the local community; and
(d) protecting the obstacle limitation surfaces (OLS) and minimising hazards to aircraft; and
(e) providing for—
(i) fees and charges for the rights described in paragraph (c); and
(ii) the powers and authority of persons authorised by the local government for the purposes of this local law; and
(iii) penalties for breaches of the local law; and
(iv) liability arising out of use of the aerodromes.
Local Law No. 7 (Waste Management) 2018 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
The purpose and general effect of the local law is to protect the public health, safety and amenity related to waste management.
(a) regulating the storage, servicing and removal of waste; and
(b) regulating the disposal of waste at waste facilities; and
(c) ensuring that an act or omission does not result in—
(i) harm to human health or safety or personal injury; or
(ii) property damage or loss of amenity; or
(iii) environmental harm or environmental nuisance.
Subordinate Local Law No. 1.1 (Alteration or Improvement to Local Government Controlled Areas and Roads) 2020 is available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
The purpose of this subordinate local law is to supplement Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2011 which provides for a legal and procedural framework for the administration, implementation and enforcement of the local government’s local laws, subordinate local laws and other regulatory powers, and for miscellaneous administrative matters.
To regulate alterations and improvements to local government controlled areas and roads
Subordinate Local Law No. 1.2 (Commercial Use of Local Government Controlled Areas and Roads) 2020 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
Subordinate Local Law No. 1.3 (Establishment or Occupation of a Temporary Home) 2020 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
The purpose of this subordinate local law is to supplement Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2020 which provides for a legal and procedural framework for the administration, implementation and enforcement of the local government’s local laws, subordinate local laws and other regulatory powers, and for miscellaneous administrative matters.
To regulate the establishment or occupation of temporary homes
Subordinate Local Law No. 1.4 (Installation of Advertising Devices) 2020 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
To regulate the installation of advertising devices
Subordinate Local Law No. 1.5 (Keeping of Animals) 2011 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
To regulate the keeping of animals
Subordinate Local Law No. 1.6 (Operation of Camping Grounds) 2020 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
To regulate the operation of camping grounds
Subordinate Local Law No. 1.8 (Operation of Caravan Parks) 2020 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
To regulate the operation of caravan parks
Subordinate Local Law No. 1.9 (Operation of Cemeteries) 2020 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
To regulate the operation of cemeteries
Subordinate Local Law No. 1.10 (Operation of Public Swimming Pools) 2020 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
To regulate the operation of public swimming pools.
Subordinate Local Law (Repealing) Subordinate Local Law 2020 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
Subordinate Local Law No. 1.12 (Operation of Temporary Entertainment Events) 2020 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
To regulate the operation of temporary entertainment events
Subordinate Local Law No. 1.13 (Undertaking Regulated Activities regarding Human Remains) 2020 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
To regulate the undertaking of regulated activities regarding human remains
Subordinate Local Law No. 1.14 (Undertaking Regulated Activities on Local Government Controlled Areas and Roads) 2020 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
To regulate the undertaking of regulated activities on local government controlled areas and roads
Subordinate Local Law No. 1.15 (Carrying Out Works on a Road or Interfering with a Road or its Operation) 2020 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
To regulate the carrying out of works on a road or interfering with a road or its operation
Subordinate Local Law No. 1.16 (Gates and Grids) 2020 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
To regulate the installation and maintenance of gates and grids
Subordinate Local Law No. 1.17 (Parking Contrary to an Indication on an Official Traffic Sign Regulating Parking by Time or Payment of a Fee) 2011 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
To regulate the grant of parking permits for parking contrary to an official traffic sign
Subordinate Local Law No. 1.18 (Parking in a Loading Zone by Displaying a Commercial Vehicle Identification Label) 2020 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
To regulate parking in a loading zone
Subordinate Local Law No. 1.19 (Bringing a Motor Vehicle onto, or Driving a Motor Vehicle on, a Mall) 2020 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
To regulate the bringing of a motor vehicle onto, or driving a motor vehicle on, a mall
Subordinate Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) 2011 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
The purpose of this subordinate local law is to supplement Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) 2011, which provides for regulation of the keeping and control of animals within the local government’s area.
To provide for - (a) the circumstances in which the keeping of animals is prohibited or requires approval; and(b) requirements for keeping animals, including minimum standards, mandatory desexing, proper enclosures, koala conservation and identification; and(c) the control of animals in public places; and(d) matters regarding the impounding of animals and the sale or disposal of impounded animals; and(e) the conditions to be complied with by persons who offer animals, or a particular species of animal, for sale; and(f) the declaration of a species of animal as a declared dangerous animal and the criteria for declaration of a specific animal as a declared dangerous animal.
Subordinate Local Law No. 3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2011 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
The purpose of this subordinate local law is to supplement Local Law No. 3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2011, which provides for protecting the environment and public health, safety and amenity within the local government’s area.
To provide for - (a) declaration of local pests; and(b) prohibition of lighting or maintaining certain fires; and(c) declaration of fire hazards; and(d) declaration of community safety hazards; and(e) prescribed requirements for owners of land containing community safety hazards; and(f) declaration of noise standards.
Subordinate Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2018 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
The purpose of this subordinate local law is to supplement Local Law No.4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2018 in order to protect the health and safety of persons using local government controlled land, facilities, infrastructure and roads and preserve features of the natural and built environment and other aspects of the amenity of local government controlled land, facilities, infrastructure and roads.
To provide for - (a) the regulation of access to local government controlled areas; and(b) the prohibition or restriction of particular activities in local government controlled areas or roads.
Subordinate Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2011 available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
The purpose of this subordinate local law is to supplement Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2011, which provides for the exercise of local government powers authorised under the TORUM Act
To provide for - (a) the establishment of traffic areas and off-street regulated parking areas; and(b) the persons that may be issued with a parking permit; and(c) the vehicles that may be issued with a commercial vehicle identification label; and(d) the infringement notice penalty amounts for minor traffic offences.
Subordinate Local Law No.6 (Aerodromes) 2023 is available by searching the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning local laws database.
The purpose of this subordinate local law is to supplement Local Law No. 6 (Aerodromes) 2017 which provides for the regulation of the use and operation of aerodromes controlled by the local government.
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