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The purpose of this information is to advise business owners how to comply with Local Laws if they wish to conduct dining activities on the footpath.
Minimum standards
The person undertaking the prescribed activity of footpath dining must:
An approval for outdoor dining is not required under the authorising local law if the prescribed activity complies with the minimum standards set under the Subordinate Local Law No 1.2 (Commercial Use of Local Government Controlled Area and Roads) 2011.
An application can be made to Council in writing if a prospective applicant feels that the requirements can’t be met due to extenuating circumstances. Council may look unfavourably upon these applications or in the event of approval, condition as they see fit.
The Application must include:
It is noted that the above list is not comprehensive, but summaries a number of documents required to be submitted for consideration with an application. Please refer to the Subordinate Local Law No. 1.2 (Commercial Use of Local Government Controlled Area and Roads) 2011, Part 3, Schedule 1.3 for further documentation requirements.
Further approvals
Please note that other approvals or permits may be required, such as a Food License or Development Approval. It is recommended that business owners contact Council before operation to determine if other approvals and/or licenses are required.
Need further information?
For further specific information on Footpath Dining contact Building & Compliance Branch on 131 TRC (872) or visit your nearest Customer Service Centre.
The information contained in this sheet is a guide only. This information has been prepared by Toowoomba Regional Council to help people gain an understanding of the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme. Please consult the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme for detailed information including maps (zones, local plans, overlays and priority infrastructure plan), provisions and policies. The content of this information sheet is not intended to replace the provisions of the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme.