Father and daughter at music festival

Our Events Register is a free online resource for our community to find and advertise upcoming events. From markets to festivals to workshops, there's hundreds of events held in our Region, suitable for all different interests.

Eligible events 

Events advertised on the register must:

  • be located within the Toowoomba Region (variation is at the discretion of the Toowoomba Visitor Information Centre)
  • be organised to provide a direct service or experience to the public (excludes regular members activities of clubs)
  • Fall under one of the following classifications:
    • exhibitions and shows - including agricultural, local and regional shows and motor shows
    • festivals and celebrations - including seasonal, sporting, cultural, music or arts festivals
    • markets - including food markets and farmers markets
    • performances - including song, dance and theatre
    • sporting events - both spectator and participatory
    • classes, lessons, workshops - including arts/crafts, dance, music, painting, pottery and/or cooking
    • business
    • healthy living
    • school holidays
    • tourism.

Access the Events Register.

Add an event

Add your event to the register by filling in the Create an Event form.

It can take up to five days for event content to be reviewed and published. Events are published by the team at the Toowoomba Visitor Information Centre.