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Cycling and walking are important sustainable transport choices for shorter trips. Most pathways throughout the region are shared by cyclists, skaters, wheelchair users and walkers.Cycle or walk to work and school, to visit friends or just for relaxation. Workers, students and visitors can enjoy the benefits of spending time outdoors in the fresh air and spending less money on transport costs.
Whatever your reasons, avoid the traffic by using many of the pathways in the region. Walking and cycling are healthy and economical ways to get around.
On all footpaths and shared paths, cyclists must keep left and give way to pedestrians, and always ride to the left of bicycle riders coming towards you.
The only footpaths where cycling is prohibited is on designated pathways in the centres of Toowoomba, Clifton, Crows Nest, Pittsworth, Millmerran and Oakey. These paths cannot be used by cyclists and skaters between the hours of 9am and 9pm.
A number of 'watch for cyclists' signs have been installed along popular cycle training and commuting routes in Toowoomba to encourage motorists to look out for cyclists and to share the road safely. Remember cyclists are legitimate road users. When cycling, remember to wear a helmet, obey the road rules and use front and rear lights for night riding.
When passing a cyclist 60km and under keep 1 metre clearance. Use at least 1.5 metre when travelling past at 60km or over.
Remember to check for bikes before opening your car door when parked.
Always follow the road rules and be visible. Use lights at night, have reflectors on your bike and wear light coloured clothing to increase visibility.
Three bikeability cycling tip videos are available to support people in taking up riding. Click the links below to view the videos:
For those who enjoy cycling and walking for recreational purposes, use the following links for walking and cycling tracks.
Walking paths and tracks
Recreational cycling
Criterium track
Toowoomba City has a number of locations for bikes to be parked. On street parking locations can be found in the Bike parking map - Toowoomba.
A locked facility with swipe access, lockers, toilets and showers is available as part of the Toowoomba City cycle hub membership.
Queensland Transport and Main Roads
Bicycle network
Walking Network Plans
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