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We have undertaken a residential land supply analysis to identify the amount of land currently available for residential development and determine whether sufficient land is available.
While there is sufficient land designated for residential development, current land ownership patterns, land fragmentation, infrastructure requirements and market preference issues are contributing to difficulties experienced by some developers in acquiring land for residential development.
Our ability to release new land for residential development is restricted to land within the Urban Footprint under the South East Queensland Regional Plan. Most of the land within the Urban Footprint is already zoned for residential development. None of the areas that aren’t, offer a viable short-term development option.
We're currently developing a growth management plan that will identify preferred areas for residential development within the Toowoomba Region over the next 30 years. This work will be completed by the end of 2021.
When completed, this plan will enable us to advise the State Government on changes that may be required to the Urban Footprint to support residential development within the Greater Toowoomba area.
A review of the South East Queensland Regional Plan is anticipated within the next one to three years.
Residential Land Supply - Short Term Supply Snapshot May 2021
Toowoomba Urban Extent: Housing Needs Analysis
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