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Roadside grazing describes the use of Council roads for the purpose of feeding local stock or travelling stock. The roadside grazing permit is used to provide short term relief for the feeding of stock.
A stock route grazing permit is required to allow stock to graze on:
Grazing permits issued for travelling stock are valid for a maximum of 7 days and cannot be renewed. Permits for other stock are issued for a maximum of 28 days and can be renewed once only.
You can apply for a grazing permit if you:
You are not eligible to apply for a grazing permit if you have held a grazing (agistment) permit for the land in the 3 months immediately before the date of application.
When preparing your application, please allow 7 days to obtain any additional documents that may be required to complete your submission.
An application for renewal must be submitted 48 hours prior to a permit expiring.
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