Roadside grazing describes the use of Council roads for the purpose of feeding local stock or travelling stock. The roadside grazing permit is used to provide short term relief for the feeding of stock.


When a grazing permit is required

A stock route grazing permit is required to allow stock to graze on:

  • roads and other Council land
  • stock routes
  • reserves for travelling stock


How long a permit is valid for

Grazing permits issued for travelling stock are valid for a maximum of 7 days and cannot be renewed. Permits for other stock are issued for a maximum of 28 days and can be renewed once only.


Who can apply for a permit

You can apply for a grazing permit if you:

  • Are a landowner affected by drought, fire or flood.
  • Hold a stock route travel permit and wish to temporarily cease travelling to brand, crutch, dip, drench, jet or shear.
  • Truck the stock under control, or spell the stock to comply with an obligation imposed by animal welfare legislation.
  • Are responding to a notice by local government inviting applications for agistment of stock. If responding to a local government notice, you must lodge your application within 7 days.

Who isn't eligible to apply for a permit

You are not eligible to apply for a grazing permit if you have held a grazing (agistment) permit for the land in the 3 months immediately before the date of application.


How to apply for a roadside grazing permit

Applying for a new grazing (agistment) permit

When preparing your application, please allow 7 days to obtain any additional documents that may be required to complete your submission.

  1. Download the 'Application for a stock route grazing (agistment) permit' from the Queensland Government website.
  2. Email the application to us at, including a copy of your public liability insurance. 
  3. Once the application has been received a Council officer will contact you to discuss the application and application fees. Please refer to the Parks and Recreation fees and charges for relevant costs.
    • Please note: Where a general drought declaration or individual property drought declaration is in force, or where a landowner is adversely affected by flood or fire, the application fee for a roadside agistment permit will be waived.

Applying for an extension of time

An application for renewal must be submitted 48 hours prior to a permit expiring.

  1. Download the 'Application for a stock route grazing (agistment) permit' from the Queensland Government website and select the 'renewal' box on the form.
  2. Email the application to us at
  3. Once the application has been received a Council officer will be in contact to discuss the application and application fees. Please refer to the Parks and Recreation fees and charges for relevant costs.


Roadside grazing guidelines

  • Cattle must be fenced at all times behind an electric fence with pigtail pickets rather than star pickets.
  • Cattle must be taken off the road at night.
  • No entire male cattle (bulls) are allowed on roadsides.
  • No horses are allowed on roadsides.
  • Road suitability will be assessed against Council’s 2.43 Roadside Agistment Policy.
  • Approval conditions will include those conditions contained within the above policy.
  • The landholder is required to attach a copy of their public liability insurance policy, of at least 20 million dollars, to the agistment application form with the Department of Natural Resources and Mines Chief Executive Officer listed as an interested party in the policy.
  • A detailed map of the intended grazing area must be provided with the application showing the lot and plan of the property, and outlining the road name and the side of the said road that is proposed for grazing.
  • No livestock are to be released on a roadside until official approval is given to the landholder and roadside inspections are completed by an authorised officer.
  • A random audit of stock numbers and conditions, or permits, may be conducted throughout the permit period.