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We deliver water services to customers in Toowoomba Region.
Information about the following water connection services can be found in the 'Water meter connections' article:
Water meters measure the amount of water used at your property. All properties connected to our water supply are metered.
The majority of residential meters are read twice a year to allow us to monitor your water consumption and work out how much your bill will be.
Checking your meter regularly is a great way to monitor your household water consumption and detect leaks. It will help you save water - and money!
The dial on your water meter is where you will find how much water you have used. Water meters usually display both black and red numbers. The black numbers are the kilolitres (kL) used. The red numbers are the litres (L) used. For example:
How to use your water meter to check for leaks
If you notice a leak at the meter, or on the footpath or road, contact us to report the issue.
Leaks found elsewhere on the property are the responsibility of the property owner to have fixed.
Your water meter is usually found in the front right or left corner of your property. The meter will be set in the ground in a box. If you live in a unit, flat or townhouse complex you may have individual meters for each residence; these are known as secondary meters.
Keeping the area around your water meter neat and tidy allows our officers to easily read and maintain the meter. General maintenance that should be undertaken by the property owner around the meter includes:
We are responsible for maintaining the workings, repair and replacement of the water meter.
Occasionally you may require maintenance to your water meter to fix problems such as:
Report a water meter fault online.
We offer a pressure and flow rate test on water mains. These are the tests required for water connections or extensions for new development including design of fire protection systems (hydrants).
To organise this test please contact us and:
Private water bores are not regulated by Council. If you are considering accessing groundwater for a bore construction or have a query about private bores contact the State Government Department of Natural Resources & Mines.
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