Family cycling along East Creek

There are many great reasons to ride a bike no matter your age. It improves your health and fitness, creates a strong and healthy heart and gives you a sense of freedom. Riding also:

  • improves overall brain performance
  • reduces stress and anxiety
  • boosts your immune system
  • helps the environment and lowers carbon emissions
  • saves you money in commuting costs.

Wherever you are in the Toowoomba Region there are riding trips to be had. With our network of off-road cycleways, on-road cycleways, shared pathways and beautiful country scenery, you can find great recreational and community routes through our city, towns and country areas.

Susie recently switched to commuting to work and she finds it extremely enjoyable. Watch our local cyclist Susie commute to and from work when the weather allows (YouTube).


Routes for different riding styles

Before you set off riding in Toowoomba Region it is important to be familiar with the road network, footpaths, bushland or trails to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Remember that in Queensland, it is legal to ride on the footpath provided you stay on the left and share the path safely with pedestrians and other path users. .

We’ve gathered some popular routes for each type of riding style:


Popular routes for leisure rides 

The following routes are typically on streets with less traffic, shared pathways and through parks. In many locations, you can choose between riding on the road or using paths.

Toowoomba City:

Country town leisure rides: 


New to riding

Our region has many spectacular views that can be enjoyed when exploring on two wheels. Whether you ride with the family, commute to work by bike, or head out on the trails and into the bush, there are plenty of options for you. The following information will help you start your two-wheeled adventure.


Riding with kids 

Riding a bike is fun and a great way of building physical activity into your child’s day. Provided below are tips to help you teach your child to ride a bike and a list of great parks and bicycle tracks they will enjoy. We have also made a list that include some great parks and bicycle tracks they may enjoy. 

How to teach your child to ride a bike

Choose a nice grassy area with a small slope to start on (this slows them down and there may be falls initially).

Swap the training wheels for a balance bike or take off the pedals and practice gliding. This will help with balance and stability. 

Make sure the bike is the right size for the child; not too big, not too small.

When it comes time to pedal, show your child how to brake.

Allow time; this is a new skill and one that will give them great pleasure.

Suggested parks for learning to ride 

We have numerous family-friendly parks with bicycle paths. Children can learn to ride and practice the basic road rules of giving way, stopping and hand signalling. 

Glenvale Park - A learn-to-ride facility for beginners. Nearby playground and other sporting facilities make this a must-visit for young families.

Goombungee Sports and Recreation Reserve - The Goombungee sports and recreation reserve features two full-size fields which is the perfect space for learning to ride as well as a bicycle track. There is also a tennis court and a multi-purpose court to add fun to your day.

Groom Park (South Toowoomba) -  Beginners and intermediate levels will have fun at this park. Children can learn to read road signs and practice using a roundabout and speed bumps. This park is used by primary schools in conjunction with PCYC’s Bicycle Safety program, so it is set up to learn to ride. Groom park also offers a playground, BBQ’s and shaded areas.

Mountain View Park (Highfields). Highfields, Mountain View Park – The views here create a lovely space to ride. A short bicycle track and plenty of grass space as well as a kid’s playground.

Theiss Park (Darling Heights) (south) - This park provided a range of recreational activities including a bike mania track that includes several obstacles for kids to master, set on a paved track with little gradient.


Road rules for cyclists

Road safety is everyone’s responsibility. Bicycle riders and motorists have the same rights and responsibilities. It’s important to share the road and be aware of the need to look out for each other at all times. 

Riding on a separated path - in a separated path, you can only ride on the side that is for bicycle riders. The other side is for pedestrians. The separated path sign will show you which side of the path you must ride on. You must always ride to the left of bicycle riders coming toward you.

Read more about the Queensland Government bicycle road rules and safety.


Reporting cycling issues

To report a cycling issue or safety hazard please report the issue to our customer service team via our online self-service page.

Contact Queensland Police to report a cycling incident on the road.


Bike parking

Toowoomba city has a number of locations for bikes to be parked.

On-street bike parking locations can be found in our Bike parking map - Toowoomba.

A locked facility with swipe access, lockers, toilets and showers is available as part of the Toowoomba City cycle hub membership.