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We have a mobile library service catering to communities otherwise disadvantaged by distance. The Mobile Library currently visits the communities of:
View the opening hours for when the library is available in each town.
Anyone who lives in Queensland can join. All you need is proof of address and you may borrow immediately.
A great range of items are available including adult fiction and non-fiction, magazines, CDs, audiobooks and DVDs. A large variety of children’s fiction and non-fiction, as well as picture books and board books, can be borrowed. Stock is always changing and being refreshed on a regular basis ensuring variety.
The Mobile Library has two public access laptops for your use, both with A4 colour copy capabilities. A colour copier is available for public general use.
You can order books from the comfort of your own home via our library catalogue and pick them up at any of the locations mentioned above convenient to you.
Junior storytelling services are available.
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