A meeting space for community groups

The Dr Price meeting room forms part of the Civic Precinct and is a popular meeting room for small groups of people (up to 50 people). The room is named after Dr Price who was a notable character from the Region's past. Community venues booking form (online)

This meeting room is available for the use of bonafide community groups and not-for-profit organisations. It is not to be used for commercial purposes.

No fee is charged, and the bookings are capped at two hours.

Bookings are taken for 12 month periods and expressions of interest are registered in October of each year.


The Dr Price meeting room can be found on Mothercraft Lane, Toowoomba. View Google map.


To check for vacancies and make a booking contact us via any of the following options.

Online: Community venues booking form (online)
Phone: 4688 6998
Email: Civic.Precinct@tr.qld.gov.au


  • Applicants must be a legitimate, not-for-profit community organisation.
  • No charge or fee, unless approved by Coordinator Civic Precinct, will be imposed on anyone for participating in any activity conducted by the organisation or on its behalf in the meeting room.
  • The premises will not be used for commercial purposes, and no entry fee will be charged.
  • No individual or corporation will gain financial benefits from any activity conducted by the organisation or on its behalf in the meeting room.

At the end of each meeting, users are responsible for:

  • Leaving the room clean and organised, returning tables and chairs to their original positions.
  • Putting chair stacks at the front of the room instead of the back.
  • Ensuring that fire extinguishers remain unobstructed.
  • Ensuring the double entry doors can be fully opened for wheelchair accessibility.
  • Removing all group belongings, including items in the fridge.
  • Locking the entry door and closing and locking all windows.
  • Turning off all lights / electrical appliances, including the electric jug, air conditioner, heaters, fans.
  • Taking all rubbish out of the room.

Additionally, users are responsible for:

  • Reporting any damage to civic.precinct@tr.qld.gov.au or 07 4688 6998, whether caused by your group or not.
  • Not giving allocated keys to anyone else without prior approval from Community Rooms staff.
  • Not allowing signs, posters, notices, or other decorations to be affixed by any means to any surface of the Dr. Price Room.

Users should be aware that:

  • Users must not arrive earlier than 15 minutes before the meeting's scheduled start and must leave within 15 minutes after the activity ends. The room must be vacated no later than 10 pm.
  • Cancellations require a minimum of 48 hours' notice to civic.precinct@tr.qld.gov.au or by phone at 07 4688 6998.
  • The only animals permitted on site are certified Assistance Animals that have completed a Public Access Test. Handlers need to be able to produce a Handler’s Identity Card if asked by a council officer.
  • Users are to maintain good and orderly conduct.
  • Council use takes precedence (Note: this may result in the room not being available at short notice).
  • Failure to secure the building will result in the cancellation of any future bookings.
  • Attendance is limited to a maximum of 50 people.
  • Smoking and alcohol are not permitted in the Dr. Price Room.
  • Any damage to Council property, equipment, or chattels attributed to the user shall be repaired or replaced at the user’s expense.
  • While the Dr. Price Room is occupied, at least one Steward nominated by the user shall be in attendance.
  • In accordance with Council resolution, users must obtain and maintain a $10 million public liability policy and provide a copy of a certificate of currency to Toowoomba Regional Council before room use is approved.
  • While there are no usage fees for the room, the user will have charges applied in the following circumstances:
    • For any extraordinary or special cleaning required as a result of the activity.
    • For any special opening arrangements.
    • For the replacement of lost keys, which will only be issued upon the payment of a $20 replacement cost.


Other venues in the Civic Precinct (see map below)

  • The Annex
  • Community rooms - Toowoomba City Library
  • Outdoor spaces:
    • Civic Square
    • Village Green
    • Art Gallery Park
    • Kwong Sang Walk 
    • Carnival Lane

civic precinct including the annex map