Indian Myna bird on grass

Indian or common mynas are not to be confused with the native noisy miner birds. Mynas are currently not declared pests under state legislation. Therefore there is no legislative requirement for landholders or councils to undertake control. Localised trapping can temporarily reduce numbers of mynas but doesn’t have a lasting impact on populations at a regional scale.

Trapping and controlling Indian myna birds

We are supportive of community groups who wish to trap myna birds but do not have the monetary resources to fund these activities. We do not supply traps nor offer assistance with euthanizing or disposing of trapped birds.

The Highfields Men’s Shed makes and sells traps (currently $50 each). For further information about the traps please email 

Disposing of dead birds

Dead birds can be disposed of through the household rubbish collection.

Further information

For further information about Indian mynas, their identification, monitoring and control please click on the links: