If you are interested in supplying goods or services to us you can register on VendorPanel Marketplace for free.

VendorPanel Marketplace is an online system which allows us to search, nominate and invite local suppliers to quote. In turn, suppliers will receive an email notification with an invite to submit a quote. All the supplier is required to do is log in for details and then upload the quote.

VendorPanel Marketplace is a great opportunity for local business owners to have their goods and services seen by a new audience. This registration process does not mean that you are automatically a supplier to Council. Should you be engaged for work, you will be required to provide additional documentation.


Registration process

  1. Go to the VendorPanel Marketplace registration page.
  2. Choose the relevant business category and enter your name and email. Suppliers will then be sent an invitation to join VendorPanel Marketplace. Suppliers should register in all the categories that best represent the goods and/or services available to us.
  3. Complete the business profile (once registered, suppliers are visible to purchasing staff).
  4. Our staff can send a request for quote to suppliers when relevant products/services are required.
  5. Suppliers can accept and submit a quote or tender.
  6. Our staff will assess quotations or tenders and award work to the selected local supplier.

Related information

How to update your certification information - for existing suppliers

We have a user friendly online portal for existing suppliers to keep their certification up-to-date. Access the portal here.

The portal allows you to:

  • add/maintain certificates of currency for insurance, qualifications, licences etc. 
  • undergo assigned online training courses for yourself or your employees
  • list all employees in your company
  • assign skills to employees in your company

The portal is user friendly, but should you be unsure how to use the site, please refer to the Procurement portal (Beakon) user manual. For help using the portal please contact Beakon's help desk on 1300 303 773.


How to update your company details - for existing suppliers

To amend your company's details i.e. contact information, bank account etc. please contact our Procurement Team via email: ap@tr.qld.gov.au.


Our purchasing process and guidelines

Understanding the processes and guidelines that govern the way we buy goods and services is a great way to improve your chances of becoming a supplier. Read our:


Tips on how to win work 

  1. Register on VendorPanel Marketplace.
  2. Keep a close eye on all of our methods of advertising public tenders:
  3. Ensure your insurances are all up-to-date and available.
  4. Know your industry's statutory requirements. We will require your acknowledgement of responsibilities under many legislative and statutory requirements related to your industry - so it's best if you know them well.
  5. Read, understand and supply all requested information in the format required.
  6. Agree to our general conditions of contract.
  7. Send all invoices to accountspayable@tr.qld.gov.au as this guarantees security of the invoice until it is paid.