We recognise the value of local businesses, their employees and family’s contribution to our regional community.


Supplying to Council

If you are interested in supplying goods or services to us you can register as a supplier on VendorPanel Marketplace for free. All existing suppliers are able to update their certification information online. To amend company details existing suppliers should contact our Procurement Team via emailap@tr.qld.gov.au.

Payment terms

Council payment terms are 30 days end of month date of invoice.  This may only be varied by prior approval from the principal of procurement and only in cases where there is a benefit to Council, either financial or strategic.

Council reserves the right to return invoices unpaid if they do not reference a valid Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) order number or contract number.

  • Purchase order number is similar to PU012345.


All invoices must reference a Council order number as detailed above.  Order numbers are required on invoices for the provision of both goods and services.  Preferred method of delivery of invoices is by:

  1. accountspayable@tr.qld.gov.au
  2. Mail - Toowoomba Regional Council, PO Box 3021, Toowoomba QLD 4350
  3. Fax - 07 4631 9168

Delivery terms

Delivery terms are Free In Store (FIS).  This may only be varied by prior approval of Principal Procurement and in cases where there is either a financial or strategic benefit to us.

Suppliers must ensure goods delivered are labelled correctly to assist with goods receipting and payment.  Labels should identify the addressee clearly, providing a basis for tracking deliveries.  A delivery docket/packing list must accompany goods and contain: 

  1. Purchase order number
  2. Delivery address
  3. Meaningful description of goods (suppliers code and TRC code where applicable)
  4. Quantity and unit of measure.

Purchasing terms and conditions

Acknowledgement of Council's General Conditions of Contract is a condition of doing business with Council.  We have a set of terms and conditions for purchase orders, quotes and tenders when dealing with suppliers.  

To learn more about our purchasing terms and conditions please refer to the following documents. 

Please ensure that the conditions contained in clause 9 (insurances) of the general conditions of contract are adhered to. 



All procurement with a value exceeding $200,000 (exclusive of GST) must be attained by issuing a public tender, except in cases where legislation allows contractual arrangements without first inviting written quotes or tenders (Local Government Regulation 2012 Division 3). All procurement with a value under $200,000 (exclusive of GST) may be attained by requesting quotations.

Tenders are advertised:

Tips for submitting a tender

Tips on submitting a tender and frequently asked questions may be viewed by clicking on the link.

How to register interest for use of tenders

All prospective suppliers are encouraged to register their interest on VendorPanel Marketplace as this allows automatic email alerts when a new tender has been released in the categories registered. VendorPanel Marketplace registers tenders for the majority of Queensland Local Government organisations.

Past awarded contracts

A list of all contracts awarded for the past 12 months is also displayed on our website. 

Tender process

Council behaviour is governed by it's Code of Conduct.  The principles outlined within this code are applied to the Procurement process for the evaluation of tenders and quotations. An evaluation criteria is published and applied by the evaluation team to determine the best outcome for Council, based on all submitted responses.


Local government purchasing requirements

Procurement is the acquisition of goods, services or works from an outside source. Within local government, items procured may include anything from hire of equipment, tools or hardware, office supplies, park equipment, road materials or the engagement of professional services.

We are bound by the legislative requirements of the Local Government Act 2009 and Regulations 2012 and must adhere to Sound Contracting Principles for the discharge of public money.  The sound contracting principles as per the Local Government Act 2009 s104 (3) are:

  • Value for money
  • Open and effective competition
  • Development of competitive local business and industry
  • Environmental protection
  • Ethical behaviour and fair dealing

If you are interested in finding out more about purchasing thresholds and procurement processes with us, please read: 2.31 Procurement Policy.