Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) is looking for members of the community to be involved in building a more active and connected Region as part of the Regional Active and Public Transport Advisory Committee (RAPTAC).

TRC Construction and Maintenance (Infrastructure Services) portfolio spokesperson, Cr Carol Taylor, said Council is seeking nominations for nine new members to join her and fellow Councillors Bill Cahill and Edwina Farquhar on the committee.

“Council is calling for expressions of interest from community members to join this Advisory Committee and examine how we can encourage more residents to incorporate walking and/or cycling into their daily routines and improve their health and well-being,” Cr Taylor said.

“This can be when residents are commuting to work, school and the shops, or for leisure activities.

“The committee also contributes ideas around public transport, which informs Council’s conversations with TransLink, public transport operators and user groups. Given Council’s adoption earlier this year of its Public Transport Levy, Council now has greater influence on public transport improvements for our Region.”

Cr Taylor said RAPTAC’s main functions included:
• providing advice and recommendations to Council and Council officers on active and public transport matters,

• representing the interests of people with active and public transport issues and initiatives to Council and the broader community,

• providing input to Council on development issues and Council projects where appropriate,

• providing consumer and industry expertise input into Council's continuous improvement processes concerning active and public transport matters,

• assisting Council in the identification of emerging issues and initiatives, as well as trends relative to the needs of people using active or public transport modes in the Region,

• provide assistance and/or advice with specific projects (as identified by Council and/or the Committee), and

• assisting Council in disseminating appropriate material to aid community dialogue around active and public transport matters.

Active and public transport includes travel by foot, bicycle and other wheeled recreation devices (skateboards), personal mobility devices (e-scooters), motorised mobility devices (wheelchairs and mobility scooters), bus, taxi and other ride share alternatives.

Expressions of interest for the positions on the Advisory Committee can be lodged by emailing or sending a letter via post to Toowoomba Regional Council, PO Box 3021, Toowoomba, Qld, 4350 before 5pm, Monday, January 13, 2025.

Nominations should include a one-page explanation of your previous experience or field of interest, including if you are representing a community group/organisation. Also ensure you include “Expressions of Interest for RAPTAC” in the subject line of your application and address the four evaluation criteria: breadth of relevant experience, extent of community influence, strategic (long-term view) interests and ability to contribute ideas and innovations. Council is aiming for diversity of experience and views.

This committee typically meets four times a year and will run until the end of this term of Council in 2028.

For more information, please visit contact 131 872 or email