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An exploration of where artists find peace is the theme of an exhibition by the Borderline Regional Arts Association that will be displayed at Goombungee’s Rosalie Gallery from September 18 to October 13, 2024.
Where I Find Peace presents a collection of paintings, mixed media works and sculptures by artists who live in the border communities around Stanthorpe, Tenterfield, Texas and Warwick.
The Borderline Regional Arts Association’s exhibition features a variety of media, including watercolour, oil and acrylic paint, collage, fibre arts, printmaking and sculpture by group members.
The varied art practices and works translate into a common expression of ‘where we find peace’, demonstrating that, regardless of individual circumstances, peace can be sought, found, and cherished by the curious seeker.
The exhibition’s Artist Talk will start at 11am on Saturday, September 21.
For more information, please see: Exhibition | Where I Find Peace - Borderline Regional Arts Association (
For further information, contact the Gallery on (07) 4696 5600 or
Rosalie Gallery at 89 Mocatta Street, Goombungee is open from 10.30am to 3.30pm Wednesday to Sunday and closed on Monday, Tuesday and public holidays. Entry is free.
Images: (Download via)
1. Linda CLUTTERBUCK / Quart Pot views 2023 / acrylic on canvas / 30 x 40cm / © Linda Clutterbuck (top)
2. Linda CLUTTERBUCK / Belleview Vineyard Ballandean 2024 / acrylic on canvas / 49.5 x 40.0cm © Linda Clutterbuck 3. Sue JURD / Honesty 2024 / dyed, printed, stitched fabric / 70 x 50cm / © Sue Jurd (bottom)
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