Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) is encouraging residents to have their say on Council services, activities and performance by participating in a community survey which is now open.

Toowoomba Region Mayor Cr Geoff McDonald said the survey was an opportunity for residents to provide direct feedback to Council about the wide range of services TRC provides.

“It’s all about ensuring we get a wide-range of views, to help Council improve our priorities, processes, systems and facilities.

“I encourage as many people as possible to have their say so that we can plan for the future with the community’s wishes at heart.

“Surveys like this help to ensure TRC provides the best experience possible for residents of our great Region,” Mayor McDonald said.

Mayor McDonald said TRC had engaged an external provider to undertake the survey and that some residents may receive a phone call.

“If you receive a call asking for your help in completing the survey, this isn’t a scam and you won’t be asked for personal details like your address or date of birth. If you are concerned about a call you receive please report this to the relevant authorities,” Mayor McDonald said.

The survey is expected to take about 15 minutes to complete with residents able to have their say until Sunday 9 June.

To complete the survey online visit