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The Infrastructure Committee is responsible for matters relating to construction and maintenance, project management, plant and fleet, and transport and drainage. All Councillors are members of the committee.
The Committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month immediately following the Water and Waste Committee Meeting, in Council Chambers, First Floor, City Hall, 541 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba.
Committee meetings are open to the public.
The notice of meeting, table of contents and agenda items (excluding confidential items) are available on this website on the Friday evening prior to the Meeting.
To access committee meeting reports past the year supplied below, please contact us.
The meeting schedule can be found in our 'Council meeting structure & meeting schedule' article.
His Worship the Mayor, Councillor Geoff McDonald (acting Chair) Councillor Bill Cahill Councillor Edwina Farquhar Councillor Gary Gardner Councillor Tim McMahon Councillor Trevor Manteufel Councillor James O’Shea Councillor Kerry Shine Councillor Carol Taylor Councillor Melissa Taylor Councillor Rebecca Vonhoff
ScopeThe Infrastructure Committee will be a standing committee of Council and these Terms of Reference will provide guidance for the matters that are to be referred to and considered by the Committee.
AimTo consider matters relating to the Infrastructure needs and operations of Council and make recommendations to Council on an ongoing basis.
RoleThe Committee's role is to provide ongoing leadership and deal with particular aspects of the Council's Infrastructure business, giving detailed deliberation to these matters, before making recommendations to Council.ResponsibilitiesThe Committee's responsibilities include:
Construction and Maintenance
Project Management
Fleet and Logistics
Transport and Drainage
MembershipMembership of the Committee is to include all Councillors.
QuorumA quorum of the Committee is a majority of its members (i.e. 6).
Meeting frequencyUnless otherwise determined, the Committee will meet on the second Tuesday of each month immediately following the Water and Waste Committee meeting, in the Council Chambers, First Floor, 541 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba.
Reporting requirementsThe Committee is required to keep minutes of its meetings pursuant to section 254F of Local Government Regulation 2012.
Review of terms of referenceThese terms of reference are to be reviewed from time to time, as necessary.
We are in the process of changing the way we manage Council meeting agendas and minutes. While this change is being made documents can be found in two locations:
Instructions: Find the relevant meeting in the list below. Select it to view all associated files, or use the links in the Files columns to view any available agendas, packets or minutes. The video icon in the Media column will launch the video.
Live Stream videos of Committee, Ordinary and Special meetings of Council commencing 23 April 2020 can be viewed on YouTube.
Infrastructure Committee - 9 August 2022 - Report
Infrastructure Committee - 12 July 2022 - Report
Infrastructure Committee - 14 June 2022 - Report
Infrastructure Committee - 10 May 2022 - Report
Infrastructure Committee - 12 April 2022 - Report
Infrastructure Committee - 8 March 2022 - Report
Infrastructure Committee - 8 February 2022 - Report
Infrastructure Committee - 7 December 2021 - Report
Infrastructure Committee - 9 November 2021 - Report
Toowoomba Regional Council Submission G2H draft EIS 25102021
Infrastructure Committee - 12 October 2021 - Report
Infrastructure Committee - 14 September 2021 - Report
Infrastructure Committee - 10 August 2021 - Report
Infrastructure Committee - 13 July 2021 - Report
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